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10.10.2011 Roman coins found in a wooden box
Categories: Calendar , Nálezy nejenom s detektorem v západní Evropě
Tanja Hols discovered a closed wooden box in the archives of the historical state library in Passau, southeastern Germany. At first glance, the box looked quite ordinary. When she opened it, she couldn't help but wonder. Inside were gold and silver coins dating back thousands of years.
There were 172 coins in the box to be exact. She informed the library managers, who discovered that the treasure belonged to the local bishops. They hid the coins in the library to avoid paying taxes. Experts think they did so sometime around 1803 during the so-called secularization, when church property was transferred into secular hands. There was a general suppression of the influence of religion and its institutions.
Coins originate from ancient Rome, Greece and the Byzantine Empire. The library staff probably thought they were not worth much, so they just left them in a wooden box. It was on the fourth floor of the library, where Hols often goes to get books for patrons.
The archive also contains old furniture and even a stuffed crocodile, but her latest discovery was the most valuable in the library's history. It has been estimated that the contents of the box may be worth millions of euros. Internet research has shown that the find is worth at least "six figures".
"I had no idea I had found a treasure. The box itself was quite inconspicuous, it looked like a large jewellery box and there were many small drawers inside," said Hols, 33, who worked as a custodian at the library.
The wooden box containing the coins was even dusted regularly by colleagues who had no idea of its valuable contents. The management of the Bavarian library was of course delighted by the find. They even promised to promote Hols. We will discuss how to reward her for this great find," a library spokesman noted.
The wooden treasure box was also recently discovered at the Cologne Museum. Inside was beautiful work by medieval craftsmen. The crate contained ten well-preserved panels that probably formed part of the filling of a single church window.
"For many decades, it was believed that the large wooden box in the museum's depository contained fragments of the church's stained glass windows from the late 19th century. which were damaged during the bombing of Cologne in March 1945. For this reason, the objects were not given much attention and perhaps that is why they were only recorded as supporting documentary material in the collection," said Vladimír Rišlink, director of the Regional Museum in Kolín.
The article is included in categories:
- Archive of articles > Calendar
- Archive of articles > Archaeology > Finds and rescue research abroad > Nálezy nejenom s detektorem v západní Evropě
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