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11.4. 2014 Golden ring with Christian and pagan symbols
Categories: Calendar , Nálezy nejenom s detektorem ve Velké Británii a Irsku
Seven years ago, a museum in Essex, England, exhibited a remarkable 1,400-year-old ring found by a finder with a metal detector. There are both Christian and pagan symbols on the jewelry.
The unique jewel was awarded to the museum in Saffron thanks to grants of sixty thousand pounds, and private donors also contributed. The jewelry really thrilled the experts. At the beginning of April 2014, the public could also see it. "It's the best find of all time, a truly remarkable find," said the enthusiastic museum.
The ring dates from 580 to 650. It was discovered by a metal detector in search of Tony Carter. "I've been looking for 41 years. For me, it is really the most beautiful and rarest find I have ever made, "he said.
The ring looks like a belt and has a figure engraved with a bird of prey engraved on it. Other items Carter found included two gold coins from the first century BC. Then there are two silver Anglo-Saxon objects from the ninth century AD.
The fifth object found is a gold ring with engraved symbols of Christ's suffering. "It must have been the object of a man who proudly professed the Catholic faith. We are glad that we can expose objects found by a search engine with a metal detector. Visitors to our museum can also enjoy these beautiful archeological treasures. The Treasure Act really has significant implications, "said the curators of the exhibition, Caroly Wingfield.
The museum also organized a public collection to acquire jewelry. Museum director Tony Watson believed they could get the money they needed. According to him, people are very generous. And it also worked…
We also wrote about the discovery of a ring with Anglo-Saxon motifs here:
Findings of rings are relatively common. Archaeologists in the Jizre'el Valley, east of Medina, for example, found a medieval jewel depicting St. Nicholas three years ago. In the past, there was a Roman base with a busy trade crossroads. We wrote about the ring here:
Sources: www.bbc.com
The article is included in categories:
- Archiv článků > Calendar
- Archiv článků > Archaeology > Finds and rescue research abroad > Nálezy nejenom s detektorem ve Velké Británii a Irsku
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