Byli jsme tam už vícekrát, koneckonců je za humny, proběhla zde akce "archeologické léto" kdy se z archeologa stává průvodce a je schopný odpovědět na většinu dotazů jen malá technická: právě při této akci jsem se z úst archeologa dozvěděl že hrad je původně románský, nikoliv gotický
11 Apr 2015 Hartenberg Treasures
Categories: Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic , Calendar
The ruins of Hartenberg Castle have amazed archaeologists for years. Many interesting artefacts have been found there. For example, toys that children used to play with in the Middle Ages or a pot almost half a metre high.
Hartenberg is essentially the ruins of a Gothic castle that has been converted into a chateau. It is located in the Sokolov region, specifically on a rocky promontory above the Svatava River north of Sokolov. It has been a protected cultural monument since 1998. According to the findings of archaeological excavations, experts date the castle's foundation to the twelfth to thirteenth century. It is one of the oldest castle monuments in the country. It was rebuilt in the fourteenth century.
Over time, the owners of the castle changed. They were, for example, the Lords of Hartenberg, Těma of Koldice, since Charles IV it was also a royal property, Jan Maléřík, Šlik, Písnic, Auersperg and Kopal. After the Second World War the building was used for some time by the army as a training place for border guards.
"In 1983 it was considered for reconstruction. However, it would have been so costly that it was not carried out in the end. Between 1984 and 1991, Hartenberg was deliberately set on fire several times and turned into rubble. The building is now owned by Bedřich Loos, who bought the ruined castle in 1997 and is trying to restore the ruins," explains the Institute of Archaeology of the CAS in Prague.
Archaeologists have been returning to Hatenberg Castle since 1995. It already boasts the discovery of a number of important artefacts. At the end of 2006, for example, archaeologists discovered a 47 centimetre high pot. "It probably served as a container for some loose food," archaeologist Jan Tajer explained.
The archaeologists also found miniature bowls and jugs or a large number of objects used in combat, such as arrows and two cannonballs. Among the artifacts found is also a key. It is not known what it is from. But also medieval children's toys.
Among the curiosities is the local castle well, 28 metres deep and cut into the rock. Visitors often ask if there's a secret passage leading from it. According to Thayer, there really is no secret passage.
"With few exceptions, there are no secret passages in castles. We count on it, but people are sometimes disappointed by this fact," the archaeologist added.
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- Archive of articles > Archaeology > Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic
- Archive of articles > Calendar