24. 8. 2015 Calendary

24 Aug 2015 Grave of an ancient priest and rare coins

Categories: Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic , Calendar

The archaeological excavation of the Church of the Finding of the Holy Cross in Javorník was successful. It is one of the oldest such monuments in Silesia. The archaeologists discovered the grave of a priest and coins, including two pieces of bractates of the Prince of Bytom from the early fourteenth century.

For many centuries, believers left small objects in the church, which gradually became part of the subsoil under the pavement. The archaeologists examined the site with a metal detector. They found a large number of coins, items of clothing and small jewellery.

The Cemetery Church of the Holy Cross is located in Javorník in the Jeseník district. It belongs to the Roman Catholic parish of Javorník in Silesia. The church is a cultural monument. It was probably built in the middle of the thirteenth century next to the fortress. The first written mention dates back to 1290. In the inventory of the bishop's property it was written about two lans belonging to the church.

Archaeological research was carried out by experts from Archaia Olomouc in cooperation with the Institute of Archaeology of the Faculty of Archaeology of the University of Opava. They uncovered many interesting things from the building history of the church.

"It is almost clear that the beautiful portal, which is used to enter the church from the south side, originally stood in the front wall, which was completely rebuilt as part of the reconstruction. On the other hand, in place of the present monumental Romanesque-Gothic portal, a smaller portal waswhich the builders moved into the side wall of the presbytery," said Peter Kováčik, the head of the research work.

Among the rarest finds are the aforementioned bractates, which experts say are of great value. They are said to be evidence of Silesian trade and travel and Javorník's contacts to the area north of our current borders.

Under the altar, archaeologists found the grave of a woman with a child. This could be Barbara Volckmann, whose tombstone can be found in the church facade along with the date 1596. The best preserved grave was in the south front of the church. It is probably one of the local parish priests. The grave dates from the second half of the seventeenth century or early eighteenth century.

"We have a precise list of priests who worked in Javorník. If we can determine the date of his death or something more about the time when he lived, it is possible that we will be able to consider this man as the Rev.In a few weeks we will know this man by name," said Kováčik, who with his colleagues discovered the extensive frescoes on the walls.

Sources: www.rozhlas.cz, www.mestojavornik.cz

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