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25 Aug 2007 Two rare tubes were found in the tower
Categories: Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic , Calendar
Since the beginning of the nineteenth century, people in Javorník have been storing precious objects as a legacy for future generations in the chateau tower. Fourteen years ago, archive staff took a look inside. They found two tubes, but lost medals and two very rare coins.
The staff of the State Archives in Jeseníky have copies of the exact list of coins stored. They were therefore able to compare what was in the purse. They were surprised to find some items missing.
"Back in 2000, I was already looking into this issue. I had in my hand an inventory of all the coins that are there and I was really looking forward to seeing the rare bishop's coins," lamented Květoslav Growka from the State District Archive in Jeseník.
These were very interesting coins. Collectors would be thrilled. The dome contained a gold ducat and a silver half dollar. These were the last coins minted by the bishops of Wrocław. That's why they're so rare. Both are worth up to eighty thousand crowns.
"We do not know when exactly they were lost. But probably in 1930. Either they didn't put it there at all, or the craftsmen could have taken it. In any case, since 1930, no one seems to have been able to get into the tower, because it is really in very inaccessible terrain," thinks Kateřina Danielová, the castellan of the Janský vrch castle in Javorník.
The towers of mainly Jeseník churches have already uncovered nine similar treasures. In order to prevent theft or destruction of the tubes, their contents are kept in the local archive or museum. A cassette with a record and a copy is inserted back into the poppy, and a new record with coins from the present day is added.
Tubes with items in the towers are quite common. Four years ago such a treasure was found, for example, in the tower of the Evangelical church in Žatec. In addition to contemporary objects and documents, the tube contained documentation for nomination to the UNESCO World Heritage List.
"If the entry is successful, it will be a great historical milestone for the town and our descendants will learn what preceded it," said Mayor Zdeňka Hamousová, who placed the nomination in the box.
Sources: www.ceskatelevize.cz, www.rozhlas.cz
The article is included in categories:
- Archive of articles > Archaeology > Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic
- Archive of articles > Calendar
Jsou to taky jenom lidi.
bobik - samozřejmě.
Policajt když okrade babičku, znásilní školačku a zradí kolegu - je to přece taky jenom člověk, to se nedá nic dělat. Odpouštět je lidské
No odpustit můžeme dle stupně společenské nebezpečnosti. Takový policajt odpuštění nezaslouží, naproti tomu pro špatně placeného státního zaměstnance co si občas přilepší tak tam bych to tak přísně nevyděl. Vyhazov a náhrada škody by mělo stačit. Horší je to u vysokých státních úředníků, co si naberou jako zbytečné náměstky kamárády a dávají jim statisícové odměny za nic. Dále neziskovky, co mají 80% příjmů jako mzdové náklady. Předražené státní zakázky. Takové tady trpíme. Ale bezdomovce, co opakovaně ukradne nějaké jídlo dáme do tepláků.