Eliáš můj vzor.
27.4. 1939 New Protectorate Government with Elias
Categories: Second World War , Calendar

As the only chairman in occupied Europe, General Alois Elias ended up in front of a firing squad. "His" protectorate government was appointed on April 27, 1939. People saw him as a symbol of patriotism.
First, General Jan Bohumil Syrový was entrusted with the formation of the Protectorate government, and he appointed Alois Elias as his deputy. The second government was put together by Rudolf Beran. After his resignation, Elias was nominated as the chairman. He was perceived by the population as a symbol of Czech patriotism. The government under his leadership was appointed on April 27, 1939.
"General Elias, who was persuaded to accept the post of chairman of the Protectorate government, was a soldier in body and soul. He said that if he didn't take it, the crooks would get it. Conversely, if he took it, he wouldn't be hanged. Elijah's entire government, by the way - half of them were Freemasons, including theEliáš - tried to defend the interests of the Czech nation to the utmost," writes Jaroslav V. Mareš in his book Top Secret Scandals.
According to Mareš, from the first to the last day of its existence, the Elias government was essentially oppositional. "This was stated by the German party itself and the office of the Reich Protector. It was a government of proud silence and there is absolutely no comparison with its successors. Alois Elias was the only President of occupied Europe who ended up facing a firing squad. That also proves something. From my point of view, General Elias took risks for the sake of the country and the nation. He risked his life, he lost, but he lost with honour," Mareš writes in his book.
Elias joined the resistance organisation Defence of the Nation. It was also in connection with the foreign resistance under the leadership of President Edvard Beneš. Over time, due to Elias' activities, demands for his removal began to emerge. The Gestapo arrested him on September 27, 1941, when Reinhard Heydrich was appointed acting Reich Chancellor. Before the court, Elias was found guilty on all counts and sentenced to death. The execution took place on June 19, 1942.
"On that day, a petite man with a small moustache was brought to the Nazi execution ground at the military shooting range in Kobylisy, Prague, by a car belonging to the Prague Gestapo. He was wearing civilian clothes and a hat. The Gestapo brought him to the embankment in front of a five-man firing squad commanded by a German officer. The condemned man was not handcuffed and refused to have his eyes blindfolded with a dark scarf. He stood about seven metres from the embarked soldiers and silently stared into their faces. He was completely calm, he had long ago accepted that one day he would be executed," Vladimír Liška described in his book Horrific Events of World War II in the Czech Lands.
As soon as the first commands sounded, the convict removed his hat from his head and threw it towards the place where the execution was being watched by the Prague Gestapo officer Fuchs and the commander of the Pankrác prison, Soppa. "They just grinned at the convict's last gesture and then a volley rang out. The firing squad aimed accurately...," said Liška.
Jaroslav V. Mareš: Top Secret Scandals
Vladimír Liška: Horrific Events of World War II in the Czech Lands
First, General Jan Bohumil Syrový was entrusted with the formation of the Protectorate government, and he appointed Alois Elias as his deputy. The second government was put together by Rudolf Beran. After his resignation, Elias was nominated as the chairman. He was perceived by the population as a symbol of Czech patriotism. The government under his leadership was appointed on April 27, 1939.
"General Elias, who was persuaded to accept the post of chairman of the Protectorate government, was a soldier in body and soul. He said that if he didn't take it, the crooks would get it. Conversely, if he took it, he wouldn't be hanged. Elijah's entire government, by the way - half of them were Freemasons, including theEliáš - tried to defend the interests of the Czech nation to the utmost," writes Jaroslav V. Mareš in his book Top Secret Scandals.
According to Mareš, from the first to the last day of its existence, the Elias government was essentially oppositional. "This was stated by the German party itself and the office of the Reich Protector. It was a government of proud silence and there is absolutely no comparison with its successors. Alois Elias was the only President of occupied Europe who ended up facing a firing squad. That also proves something. From my point of view, General Elias took risks for the sake of the country and the nation. He risked his life, he lost, but he lost with honour," Mareš writes in his book.
Elias joined the resistance organisation Defence of the Nation. It was also in connection with the foreign resistance under the leadership of President Edvard Beneš. Over time, due to Elias' activities, demands for his removal began to emerge. The Gestapo arrested him on September 27, 1941, when Reinhard Heydrich was appointed acting Reich Chancellor. Before the court, Elias was found guilty on all counts and sentenced to death. The execution took place on June 19, 1942.
"On that day, a petite man with a small moustache was brought to the Nazi execution ground at the military shooting range in Kobylisy, Prague, by a car belonging to the Prague Gestapo. He was wearing civilian clothes and a hat. The Gestapo brought him to the embankment in front of a five-man firing squad commanded by a German officer. The condemned man was not handcuffed and refused to have his eyes blindfolded with a dark scarf. He stood about seven metres from the embarked soldiers and silently stared into their faces. He was completely calm, he had long ago accepted that one day he would be executed," Vladimír Liška described in his book Horrific Events of World War II in the Czech Lands.
As soon as the first commands sounded, the convict removed his hat from his head and threw it towards the place where the execution was being watched by the Prague Gestapo officer Fuchs and the commander of the Pankrác prison, Soppa. "They just grinned at the convict's last gesture and then a volley rang out. The firing squad aimed accurately...," said Liška.
Jaroslav V. Mareš: Top Secret Scandals
Vladimír Liška: Horrific Events of World War II in the Czech Lands
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