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27. 7. 2015 Executioner's Cross at Chlum
Categories: Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic , Calendar
In the past, Josef Růžička, the executioner from Dobrovice, used to walk on the road to Chlum in Mladá Boleslav. In 1779, he erected a cross there, supposedly to atone for his sins. The monument gradually declined, but six years ago it was restored.
Many people came to the unveiling. "I never thought that the unveiling of the cross would meet with such interest," said Milada Vrbová from the Mladá Boleslav organisation of the Czech Union of Nature Conservationists.
She revealed that the cross had been severely damaged mainly by Soviet soldiers who used Chlum for military purposes. "Even the officials themselves did not know about the existence of this exceptional monument, so perhaps that is why it never made it onto the list of protected monuments.listed, although it is one of the few monuments for which we know the exact date of its unveiling and its age exceeds 230 years," Vrbová added.
The archaeologist Filip also introduced the history of the cross to those present and at the end he fired a Hussite weapon. "Someone here is plagued by distressing feelings even today. After the death of the last executioner, who was the Růžička's son Norbert, the road and the cross fell into oblivion. The Růžička family is still commemorated by the execution sword, which is on display in the Dobrovice Museum. This precious artefact was, by the way, first exhibited at the famous Ethnographic Exhibition in Prague in 1895," said Krásný.
There is a branch from the nature trail at Chlum to the cross. At the cross there is an information board with the history of the cross, photographs of the executioner's sword and the restoration of the cross. Visitors can rest here on a bench next to the cross, which overlooks the valley. The Hangman's Cross is thus available to all who visit the trail.
"The cross is once again standing in its full glory and we hope you will go and see it when you walk along the Chlum Nature Trail. As we have discovered from the period photographs, there was originally a bench in front of the cross, which we have restored and on which you can rest and perhaps forgive Kat Růžička for his joyless Vrbová also invited tourists to the nature trail, which will lead visitors to the cross.
Visitors will find ten information panels divided into natural history and archaeological sections. The local nature is very varied. There are oak-hickory groves, flowery beech woods, wet flowery meadows on the northern slopes, on the southern slopes of theon the southern slopes, orchards and meadows, including the so-called 'white hillsides', where many protected animals and plants can be found.
Sources: https://m.mb-net.cz/, www.mladoboleslavsko.eu, www.denik.cz
The article is included in categories:
- Archive of articles > Archaeology > Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic
- Archive of articles > Calendar
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