Ale všechny kostry vypadají vesele, jak po nějakém tahu.
28 Aug 2012 Hundreds of skeletons on the hill
Categories: Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic , Calendar
Extensive research was carried out by archaeologists on a hilltop in Litomyšl. They discovered a medieval cemetery with hundreds of bones, including a mass grave of a child. There was also a defensive system or a gallery.
The research preceded the revitalisation of the castle hill in Litomyšl. It has been underway since 2011. Since then, archaeologists have found a number of interesting features tracing the historical development of the site since the eleventh century.
"We have come across a medieval cemetery, a defensive system built by the Bones of Postupice or a still unknown adit," said Milan Kuchařík, head of the archaeological excavation and director of Labrys.
The medieval cemetery that archaeologists uncovered was located near the Church of St. Clement. Hundreds of skeletons were found there. Burials took place there in the thirteenth to fifteenth centuries, and in all age groups. About half of the skeletons found were children.
"Perhaps the most interesting find is the mass grave of 6 to 8-year-old children who probably died as a result of an epidemic," explains anthropologist Marcela Víšková.
Archaeologists have also found interesting finds in the Piarist college. These were rather small objects such as quills, medallions, coins, accounting records, scraps of books or a cap, which is probably made of ointment.
Archaeologists have also explored the upper courtyard. They discovered fortifications dating back to the second half of the 15th century. "In securing the Upper Town, the builders drew on the historical experience of the Hussites and built an artillery-proof system," Kuchařík outlined.
In the first courtyard, they expected to find an originally Romanesque basilica, later rebuilt into a Gothic church, which was dedicated to the Virgin Mary. They were able to refine the information they already had and also discovered one of the oldest ceramic tiles in the Czech Republic.
The article is included in categories:
- Archive of articles > Archaeology > Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic
- Archive of articles > Calendar
Všichni se smějí až se za břicha popadají a toho na pravé straně ještě šťouchá do ramene.
knedlík, zelí, a pak obíračka
Jako děti na základní škole jsme chodili do těch zahrad kouřit a tenkrát tam bylo vše zarostlé, ale kosti koukali ze země, zároveň jsme prolezli všechny podzemní chodby,kde jsme měli vodu až ke krku a plavaly kolem nás myši atd.Dnes už bych dotoho nešel 😁
Dokonce jsem se podílel na rekonstrukci zámku a piaristické koleje, když jsem viděl co za individua dělá pomocné vykopávky,tak se mi chtělo zvracet, určitě toho hodně ukradli a potom také firma,co to měla na starosti,tak svévolně zničila a odbagrovala právě zmíněný středověký val... potom se ztratilo 20 milionů a najednou se zase mohl bych tu psát hodiny,ale nechci mít na krku nějaké nepříjemnosti
Piáristická kolej je pro lidi co studujou PR?
Co to maj pořád archeologové s tim vyhrabávánim hřbitovů? Nemohli to nechat napokoji?
NJ, také nechápu, proč se vykopávají staré hroby,ale nevím zda tohle není něco jiného, protože ty zahrady co mám na mysli tak to se dělalo okolo roku 2000
Lidi jsou prostě zvědaví.
Archeologové to tu nekopali ze zvědavosti. Jednalo se o výzkum záchranný vyvolaný stavební činností.
Tak tam kde se bude stavět, nebo třeba kde je zemědělská činnost je to jasný. Ale oco jde třeba v Egyptě?