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29 Jul 2015 Collection of six hundred axes
Categories: Calendar
An incredible collection of six hundred axes was amassed by Pavel Šín from Konice in the Prostějov region, who has been entered into the Guinness Book of Records. For example, he owns a Celtic axe from 250 BC.
Archaeologists found it near nearby Ludéřov. Šín has every kind of axe in existence in his collection. From carpenters' axes to broadheads, beaters, headstones, fangs, choppers, milling machines, boxbut also bakers', butchers' and confectioners' axes.
The oldest pieces are the Stone Age fist wedge or the Bronze Age axe-hammer. The collector first sorted all the specimens and then displayed them in the exhibition hall of the Axe Museum and the courtyard of the Konice Castle. This was necessary in order for him to be able to seek entry into the record book.
He followed the instructions sent to him by the London headquarters. Everything had to be filmed, for example. The supervision consisted of archaeologist Pavel Šlézar from the National Heritage Institute in Olomouc and historian Karel Podhorný. Both come from Konick. "It was challenging, the number of axes is really big, but thanks to good preparation we managed it," said Šlézar.
According to him, all the axes were different. "Although they may have been similar in terms of typology, they may have differed in some construction details, or they may have been modified with a mark and so on. The axes were adapted to the individual tasks in terms of type and, for example, the width of the blade, the shape of the head or the length of the axe. It is definitely worth seeing a butcher's or a special carpenter's axe," he noted.
Shin originally entered 515 axes. But by the time he heard from London, he had accumulated more pieces. "Unofficially, we were told that we needed 515 axes and we have 590. And that could have been over six hundred, because in the meantime I had acquired new pieces for my collection, only we didn't have time to make a toporah for them. The number 590 is a Celtic axe from 250 BC," Šín revealed.
However, the largest axe in Bohemia, which weighs 610 kilograms, did not make it into the final list of axes. Visitors can find it right in front of the Konice castle.
According to Šlézar, it meets the general conditions, but it would be hard to pick it up. "Perhaps it could aspire to a separate entry in the book of records," the archaeologist thinks.
Sources: www.rozhlas.cz, www.idnes.cz
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Kvasak jich má určitě 610 a kdo ví, jestli ne víc
Krásná práce 👍🏻... Skoro šest set tolarů a dvanáct set zlatých by z toho bylo 😊
pěkný kousky a namor,tolik né,sekery nedělám aktivně,takže sem nikdy žádnou nekupoval,jen co se ke mě přidalo samo po cestě
takže to odhaduji tak na dvěstě kousků nejvíc.
Pěkná sbírka. Archeologické nálezy se dají u nás zakoupit? Já myslel, že co muzeum jednou schvátí, to už nenavrátí.
Hezká sbírka.... To se u nás smí?