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3/23/2017 461 coins from the Thirty Years' War
Categories: Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic , Calendar
Five years ago, archaeologists were summoned to a field in Plchůvky near Chocň by a woman who saw pieces of pottery and coins there. In the end, it turned out to be a ploughed treasure. It read 461 silver coins, mostly Prague grosz. The woman received a reward of 10,200 crowns.
There were about 200 Prague groszy in the treasure. The depot also included a thaler of Rudolf II or a representative of minted Saxon thalers. "There are also representatives of other different mints, but they are still waiting to be cleaned, so I can't say too much about them.We can't say too much," said David Vích, an archaeologist at the Regional Museum in Vysoké Mýto.
The treasure remained intact because the honest finder immediately called archaeologists to the site. "The find is already about a year old, but the coins are currently undergoing determination of their exact age and type. When the conservation of the coins is finished, we will present the entire find to the public," said Jiří Junek, the museum's director, five years ago.
The cultural-historical value of the treasure from 1471 to 1616 was determined by an expert at 892,000. The finder received a reward of CZK 10,200 from the Pardubice Region.
"The price of the finding fee was set at the maximum amount according to the silver and gold content of the coins," said Roman Línek, deputy governor of the Pardubice Region.
A comparatively large treasure was last discovered in the vicinity of Vysoké Mýto in the 1960s.
"They were such typical coins. They were not used in normal trade and were not very common. They contained about 30 grams of pure silver, these are the high denominations, the thalers. In today's values, it would be thousands or tens of thousands," Vích explained.
The county treated the finders according to the law. The finder's fee is calculated on the basis of the precious metal content of the found deposit. Their value in the case of the Plchůvek hoard was one hundred thousand crowns, so the ten percent finders' fee is ten thousand crowns.
Some regions increase the rewards to motivate the finders. For example, three years ago, the Vysočina Region increased the reward for the finder of the historical treasure from Ujčovo in the Žďár Region. A forester there found a jug with 284 coins and handed it over to the Museum of the Highlands in Jihlava.
The article is included in categories:
- Archiv článků > Archaeology > Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic
- Archiv článků > Calendar
😂😂😂 Víc netřeba psát.
Pánové, já u toho jako archeolog byl. A musím vám dát za pravdu.
áno, finanční motivace - je třeba si koupit lidskou poctivost a penězi v lidech probudit tu zakrnělou lidskost a to pravé zapálení pro čestnost - souhlasím
Normálně jsem radši že detektoráři nemají na nalezené nárok lépe se smířim se špatným pravidlem o kterém vím dopředu, nežli dostat "flusanec" za odměnu. Jinej
Jinak než flusanec to nazvat nemohu když odevzdáte státu 900tisic a ještě k tomu krásný kus historie a dostanete co dostanete
Můj názor ohledně nálezů znáte 😉
Tohle to jen potvrzuje a není to ojedinělý případ.
Navíc i to ocenění na bezmála devět "stováků" je směšné.
Kdyby se ty mince prodávaly po očištění jednotlivě tak si paní přijde na nějaký ten melounek 😉
Navíc po zkušenostech nevěřím tomu že všechny ty mince budou vystaveny či v depozitu ..... opravdu jich bylo 461? 😉
Jestli si takovýto článek přečte soudný člověk tak ..... zvlášť v dnešní době ..... by byl naprostý idiot to odevzdat pokud by nebyl tedy na druhou stranu plný naivních ideálů 😉😁🖖