30. 7. 2009 Calendary

30 Jul 2009 Unique tool for making gold jewellery

Categories: Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic , Calendar

Twelve years ago, the Great Moravian site Na Valách in Staré Město in the Uherské Hradiště region gave up its last secret. Archaeologists have discovered how gold jewellery discovered in the graves there was made in the past.

They only found out when they discovered the remains of a jewellery workshop and a tool for making buttons. It was part of an antler. But at first, they had no idea what it might have been used for. They put it in a crowded depository.

But the archaeologists couldn't get enough of the antler. Eventually, they compared the strange dimples with previously found gold buttons and earrings, and a small miracle happened, the connection was perfect. The riddle was solved and the circle was complete. The horn backing was used to make jewellery. The jewels and the form in which they were born have been touched again after nearly twelve centuries.

"It is fantastic to know that the jewellery found in the graves of the great men at the burial site of Na Valy was made using this mat here. They fit in beautifully. It's unique. I don't know of anything like it being found in Central Europe," said archaeologist Luděk Galuška from the Moravian Museum in Brno.

Experts from the Brno University of Technology have a big share in the discovery. It was their expertise that revealed traces of gold and silver on the instrument. It was used by a master beater. A seemingly worthless piece of antler has become a treasure that is worth more to experts than a pile of gold. After the completion of the reconstruction of the Monument to Great Moravia in Old Town, one of the biggest attractions of its new exhibition.

The archaeological site Na Valách is part of the centre of the town of Old Town. Its imaginary boundary runs through Jezuitská Street in the south, Velkomoravská Street in the east, Na Hradbách Street in the north and Antonína Zelnitius Street in the west. Between 2008 and 2009 the building of the Monument of Great Moravia was completely renovated and adapted to year-round operation. A new modern multimedia permanent exhibition was also created here.

Source: www.ceskatelevize.cz, www.archeologieadosah.cz, www.wikipedia.org

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Ty šperky jsou fantastický! Neuvěřitelný fachmani! :-O

Naprosto souhlasím_ Argille koukni na postup a časovou náročnost výroby raně středověkých gombíků. Kolik času asi zabrala výroba takové náušnice složené z několika perel ???


Naprostá fantazie.. byli to opravdu mistři na slovo vzatí!

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