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7 Mar 2015 Searching for a terrarium root, he found a sword of a Celtic warrior
Categories: Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic , Calendar
A sword from the Celtic period was found seven years ago by Miroslav Brázdil from Holešov. He was looking for a root in the forest so that he could create a new terrarium for the glassbirds. However, he discovered an artefact for which he was rewarded with ten thousand crowns.
The sword was over 70 centimetres long and the blade was 5.5 centimetres wide. Twenty-seven-year-old Brázdil saw its tip sticking out of the ground. He was in the woods looking for a root for his terrarium. He planned to create a new habitat for the gliders.
"When I was pulling the root out, I saw the tip of the sword. I immediately thought that this would be something not so ordinary," said the 27-year-old Brázdil, who is interested in history.
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The discovery naturally delighted archaeologists. They refused to reveal the exact location of the find, lest the curious start flocking there. Brázdil behaved in an exemplary manner and summoned experts from the Institute of Archaeological Preservation. He and one of the members pulled the sword out of the ground. "This is a unique find, we have nothing like it in the region," Jana Langová, an archaeologist at the Museum of Southeast Moravia, confirmed at the time.
Archaeologists later discovered that it was a sword from the Latin period. Brázdil never for a moment considered keeping the sword and trying to sell it. He received a reward of ten thousand crowns from the Zlín Region. "Such a relic belongs in a museum. I haven't even thought about how I'm going to use the money. But I'm sure we will celebrate it somehow, maybe there will be a keg," the finder admitted at the time.
He chose the place where he found the sword completely at random. He even ended up throwing away the root he found because it didn't fit. Archaeologists later said that Brázdil had discovered the sword of a Celtic warrior, which dates back to the last four centuries BC.
Similar unadorned swords were worn by middle-class people who became warriors. "There could have been some kind of military clash here, maybe it was placed as a sacrifice under the ground," Lang added about the find.
Archaeologists sent the sword under X-ray. It was necessary to see if the weapon contained any decoration. This was not confirmed, so the experts were able to immerse the sword in a bath of distilled water to remove the rust.
Sources: www.idnes.cz, www.denik.cz
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