9. 11. 2011 Calendary

9.11.2011 Celtic settlement near Nové Mlýn

Categories: Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic , Calendar

The remains of a large Celtic settlement were discovered by archaeologists ten years ago in Novosedle in the Breclav region when they were digging up dirt for the construction of a dam. Especially because of the location of the settlement, it was a rarity.

Archaeologists found pottery, kitchen utensils, a fragment of a glass bracelet and a bronze bracelet with decorative rings and pins. Experts subsequently cleaned and preserved them.

"In one part we discovered the remains of a Celtic settlement, but the oldest traces we found here date back to the Younger Stone Age. There are traces of a culture with Moravian painted pottery. In the last part we explored, we found the remains of a Slavic settlement from the 10th to 12th centuries, which could be an ancestor of today's Novosedel," archaeologist Balázs Komoróc revealed at the time.

The settlement covered an area of about one hectare. Among the first finds were various fragments. For archaeologists, this was a relatively unknown site that had not yet been explored. Moreover, experts were only partially familiar with similar settlements from the younger Celtic period, which is why they were excited about the find.

"The area west of Nové Mlýn is a bit of an unknown land for us. In fact, Novosedly and the villages near it were difficult to access during the previous regime. Not much was explored there. But the discovery of a lowland settlement in this area is unique," says the archaeologist.

The archaeologists also said that the area in question was probably not a floodplain in the past. According to Komoróci, the flooding is probably the result of modern interventions in the river system. "It is obvious that for several millennia high water was not a problem here, otherwise there would not have been so many different settlements," he said.

Flooding occurred in 2002 and 2006. That is why the Novosedly municipality started working on how to prevent it, and later work began on building a flood control dike. "Thanks to the dam, Novosedly will be protected against the water from the river Dyje and in six months we will feel safer," said Mayor František Trefilík at the time.

In the past, a total of fifteen remains of buried dwellings from the Celtic period were found in the area, and research into the traces of their interiorof the traces has provided a number of findings attesting, for example, to the production of textiles or the nature of the building techniques of the simple "rural" architecture of the Celts.

Sources: www.novosedly.eu, www.denik.cz, www.ceskatelevize.cz

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Hurá do Novosedel, to tam zase bude mrcasníků

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