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A health brother found a gold ring from the 15th century with an engraving of the Virgin Mary with the baby Jesus
Categories: Nálezy nejenom s detektorem ve Velké Británii a Irsku
Forty-eight-year-old Matthew Hepworth was searching a field when he heard a faint signal on his metal detector. As soon as the dirt from the trench was loosened, he saw a golden glint. Little did he know that he had discovered a rare medieval gold iconographic ring with an engraving of the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus.
Matthew immediately reported the find to the landowner and a PAS officer. The ring will now be the subject of an investigation to determine if it is treasure. Although Matthew does not know its exact value, he believes it is a very rare find, "It means a lot to me that this piece of history has been saved. It is a privilege to have found it and saved it. It was a big surprise. Then I told the landowner, who was amazed and couldn't believe it. It's a very rare find for the UK, I would say," he said, adding that it was definitely the find of a lifetime, which trumps everything.
This is not Matthew's first unique discovery - a year ago he donated a rare silver seal depicting a slave to the Lancaster Maritime Museum. In 2016, he found a Bronze Age burial site. For Matthew, the search is more than just a hobby: "This beats everything, it's a lovely feeling to know you've found something. It also promotes our hobby and shows what can be achieved by responsible use of metal detectors. It's nice to see your name next to a find in a museum where it will always be for future generations."
The married father of two, who works as a senior nurse in Morecambe, has been metal detecting for 32 years. According to him, he enjoys it because "it is enjoyable to search and rescue our heritage," he explains, adding that he always searches on land with the owner's permission. He added: "I enjoy looking at the local landscape and studying its history. Sometimes you can find objects in the middle of nowhere. It can be very rewarding, but mostly it's about going out and not finding much, but you know you've really enjoyed yourself. It's been a good hobby for me over the years and has given me a lot of pleasure. It's an active way of spending my free time that keeps me fit and healthy because I'm out and about in the fresh air with beautiful scenery."
The discovery of the ring with the infant Jesus and the Virgin Mary shows how successful hobby detectorists can be in discovering rare and historical objects. This particular find may have great historical significance and impact on the understanding of 15th century religious artifacts and jewelry. If the ring is declared a treasure, it will likely be displayed in a local museum. The discovery highlights the importance of amateur search and conservation of cultural heritage in the UK.
Roman Nemec
Sources: bbc.com, theguardian.co.uk, dailymail.co.uk
The article is included in categories:
- Archiv der Artikel > Archaeology > Finds and rescue research abroad > Nálezy nejenom s detektorem ve Velké Británii a Irsku
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