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Back to the detectorists' meeting in Bozeňov
Categories: Treasure Hunters and Archeo Treasure Hunters 2010 events
At the end of September this year anexceptional meeting for detectorists took place in Moravia , organized by Zipsy s.r.o. This unforgettable weekend was full of interesting events, competitions and mutual sharing of passion for metal detecting.
Friday: Cobra had a fascinating talk for us entitled "Sacramentals - Devotionals and Crosses". The lecture took us into the world of historical finds that detectorists can discover. After the lecture, we were treated to an exciting raffle where we could win various exciting prizes. The main prize was a BH Time Ranger metal detector! In the evening we enjoyed a fun fireside where we could get to know each other more and share our experiences.
Saturday: the morning was marked by training in detector setup by Minelab. For many detectorists there was a challenging polygon where we could test our skills. The Minelab Equinox and Manticore detectors showed us that they were capable of finding all targets. After lunch there were competitions. Which competitions were waiting for us?
One of them was the separation competition, in which the main prize was a Minelab X TERRA Pro detector, which was a great motivation for all participants. The second prize was a Pro Find tracking detector and the third prize was a set of antidepressant spinners, which will make the free time more enjoyable. The next competition was in archery, where the best shooter won a Tinika bow and a set of arrows.
We finished the competitions with a flint fire making competition. Most of the competitors would not have warmed themselves by the fire, but it was great fun. Everyone was rewarded and took home flints, which will definitely come in handy for our next adventure.
The evening hours were again devoted to fun around the fire.
Sunday: Unfortunately we had to go home, but we believe all participants took away many memorable experiences and new knowledge. Some of you took away great prizes and we hope you also gained new friendships and enthusiasm for our hobby.
Finally, we would like to thank all the participants who made this reunion memorable.
Jitka Prejzová and I had to leave the reunion on Saturday evening because we had to go to Mlada Boleslav for the final of the Libichov Cup in 3D archery, where Jitka Prejzová defended the gold and I the silver.
Metal detecting is not only a passion but also a great opportunity to meet new people, share experiences and discover the history hidden under the surface. We are looking forward to the next meeting, which will be in May at Camp Chabarovice!
Marvanova 2771/12
40011 Ústí nad Labem
mobile: +420 774 877 333
email: obchod@zipsy.cz

The article is included in categories:
Bylo to fojnový, díky Zipsy
Velká gratulace Jitce ke zlatu a tobě ke stříbru Vystává otázka jestli doma nejsi pod pantoflem
Jitka říkala že není !!!!
Bylo to moc fajn setkání a po tom pátečním sedánku, jsem ještě stále abstinent
Akorát mi tam někdo hodil něco do pití 😂😂😂😂
Byla to moc fajn akce, dík.
Myslím, že ani Habán si moc nestěžuje
Kurňa já se tam příště musím podívat... 🙂
To: Beax Dyk si chtěl furt lemtat to moje ty bejku