Button of His Princely Grace Mons. ThDr. PhDr. h.c. Alois Josef Baron Schrenk of Notzing

Categories: Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic

The amazing thing about detecting is not that you find a pot of gold and you become rich, because that really doesn't happen and anyone who has ever tried it knows thatthat you really don't get rich from this and that the probability of finding something of any financial value worth mentioning at all is very close to, or rather equal to, zero. So if anyone really thinks that detectorists do it for the money, they are really completely out of their minds. The amazing thing about detectorism is that you never know what you're going to find, you get a sense of history from it, and often from things that are completely worthless in financial terms.

One such find that is virtually completely worthless, yet you can read some history or story from it, is buttons, for example. This is doubly true of so-called armorial buttons, which bear the coat of arms of their owner, so you can get a rough idea of who might have worn them on their clothes. Recently I was able to do this on such a button, where the coat of arms could be identified as the family crest of the famous Rohan family, see in the article here: Prince Rohan's button.

Link to the article about the button of Prince Rohan: https://www.lovecpokladu.cz/home/knoflik-knizete-rohana-9308

In the case of the button with the coat of arms of the Rohan family, it was possible to identify a specific noble family.t here, however, has managed to take it one level higher and to identify the owner of the button not only to a family but also to a specific historical personality. How is this possible and is it even certain? It is very simple and indeed absolutely certain, for on another armorial button found there is not only the coat of arms of the family, but also added insignia indicating that the wearer was also an archbishop. Well, since only one single person from the given family was an archbishop, it can be said with absolute certainty that its bearer was Archbishop Schrenk of Prague, completely under the full name of His Princely Grace Mons. ThDr. PhDr. h.c. Alois Josef Baron Schrenk of Notzing.

Brief biography from Wikipedia:Alois Joseph Baron Schrenk of Notzing, in the matrix Alois Antonín Oto Guntram Baron Schrenk of Notzing (German: Alois Joseph Schrenck Freiherr von Notzing, 24 March 1802, Zbenice - 5. March 1849, Prague) was a Czech Roman Catholic clergyman and theologian, Bishop of Olomouc, Archbishop of Prague and Chancellor of Charles University.

Alois Josef came from the Bavarian Schrenk family of Notzing. His parents were Major Franz Seraph Schrenck von Notzing and Terezie Kajetana St. From 1821, he studied theology at the Hradec Králové Episcopal Seminary, where he gained abishop Alois Josef Krakovský of Kolovrat, on whose recommendation he became a canon of the Olomouc Metropolitan Chapter in 1823. He was ordained a priest in 1825 and graduated Doctor of Theology in 1834. In 1837 he was appointed titular bishop of Ptolemais and consecrated bishop of Olomouc, consecrated on the 23rd of May 1837. In June of the same year he was appointed Archbishop of Prague after the late Ondřej Ankwicz. As archbishop, he was renowned for his zeal and tireless visitation work. From his office he approved the Unity for the completion of the St. Vitus Cathedral in 1844, and on 12 March 1848 he celebrated a solemn Te Deum at the statue of St. Wenceslas in the Horse Market in Prague.

For the record, the button will be donated to collectionsSchrenek's native castle Zbenice.

Link to the website of the Zbenice Castle: https://zbenice.mypage.com/

This interesting find has not only enriched my life by learning many new historical facts for me again while studying the details, but I have also had some concrete adventures thanks to it. It started when I started researching where the Archbishop was born and found the castle of Zbenice in the maps, which was also nearby. So I went there to have a look and met the current owner, who has been preparing an extensive reconstruction for several years. He even gave me a personal tour of the castle and we had a nice chat not only about its interesting history. Based on this, I decided to donate the button to his collections so that there would be some, albeit small, but concrete memory of the famous native.

Another trip in the footsteps of the Archbishop was a visit to Dolní Břežany, where at the crossroads of ancient roads, now streets, there is a large cast-iron crosswhich Schrenk had built and on the base of which is beautifully and even in colours the family coat of arms identical to the one on the found button. The cross was sensitively completely restored in 2009. If you would like to take a look at it, look for it near the centre of Dolní Břežany in the mini-park at the intersection of Pražská and K Hodkovicům streets.

The destination of my third trip inspired by the discovery of the historical button was Prague Castle. The Archbishops of Prague are buried in the Cathedral of St. Vitus at Prague Castle. So I took advantage of the current low attendance and went there for a tour. I found the tombstone of the archbishop quite easily and if you would like to see it as well, look to the far left when looking from the entrance. However, I also knew that there were portraits of the Archbishops of Prague somewhere in the church, but unfortunately it turned out that they were in a back room not open to the public. Nevertheless, I didn't dawdle and asked the local staff, who referred me to the caretaker. When I explained to him what was going on, presented my press pass and asked to enter, he was happy to show me around the facilities and even let me take a photo (I hereby greet and thank you very much once again).

There was one destination I hadn't yet managed to visit - and that was the castle, now converted into a chateau, which is the ancestral home of the Notzing family. You can find it in Germany, a little bit northeast of Munich. Well, never mind, maybe next time. Still, it was an interesting adventure, all thanks to one once long-lost button - and that's what I love about detectoring.

Michal Kupsa aka Kapsa

Archbishop Schrenk's button - Cleaned button with the family coat of arms with the archbishop's insignia.

Archbishop Schrenk button - The underside of the button with the inscription BEST QUALITY.

Archbishop Schrenk button - Cleaned button, with the meadow in the background where it was found.

Archbishop Schrenk's button - A keepsake with my faithful canine partner who helped me with the search.

Archbishop Schrenk's Button - This is what the button looked like right after it was removed from the ground where it had lain for years.

Zbenice Castle in 1912 - Historical photograph of Zbenice Castle, where Archbishop Notzing of Prague was born in 1802.

Zbenice Chateau in 2022 - This is how the chateau in Zbenice looks today, just before reconstruction.

Zbenice Chateau in 2022 - This is how one of the temporarily furnished chambers of Zbenice Chateau looks today.

Zbenice Chateau - For interest one picture from the project documentation of the upcoming reconstruction of the chateau.

Cross in Dolní Břežany - A cast-iron cross with a total height of over 4.5 metres, which Archbishop Alois Josef Schrenk of Notzing had built in 1846 at the crossroads in Dolní Břežany (reconstructed in 2009).

The cross in Dolní Břežany - On the back of the base of the cross in Dolní Břežany the family coat of arms is displayed in colour.

The enthronement medal - The enthronement medal commemorates the enthronement of Alois Josef Schrenk of Notzing as Archbishop of Prague on 4 November 1838. Photo source.

St. Vitus Cathedral - The interior of the cathedral in a 360° photograph.

St. Vitus Cathedral - Archbishop Alois Josef Schrenk of Notzing is buried in the back left of St. Vitus Cathedral.

Portraits of the Archbishops - In an inaccessible part of St. Vitus Cathedral there are portraits of the Archbishops of Prague.

Archbishop Alois Josef Schrenk of Notzing - Detail of a portrait of Archbishop Schrenk in the otherwise inaccessible back of St. Vitus Cathedral.

Tombstones of the Archbishops - Tombstones of the Archbishops of Prague in St. Vitus Cathedral at Prague Castle.

Detail of tombstone - Tombstone of Archbishop Schrenk of Prague in St. Vitus Cathedral at Prague Castle.

Coat of Arms of the Schrenks of Notzing - Historical form of the family coat of arms of the Schrenks of Notzing. Source..

Notzing Castle - Notzing Castle, engraving by Michael Wening around 1700, source.

Notzing Castle - The castle, or rather the castle in Notzing in its present state. Source.

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Krásná publikace 👌👏 ať se Ti daří ✊💪

Krásný článek, klobouk dolů ! Té práce a času okolo tohoto nálezu, má poklona a poděkování za to.
Zdravím, přeji mnoho dalších nálezů a zážitků. Jak je vidět, i malé a pro mnohé, "bezcenné" nálezy, dokáží udělat velkou radost. A když jestě takto pěkně "promluví", hned je na to našem praštěném světě
veseleji ! Držím palce a přeji mnoho zážitků v dalším bádání. :-)

Další skvělý a komplexní článek. Díky.

Tohle je tak krásně zpracovaná věc, že by za to měl být nějaký metál. :-)

To je panečku novinařina, zakousl jses do toho jak buldog :-) Takové příběhy mám moc rád. Ještě jednou děkuji za článek.

Ahoj Michale.
Až na toho konoflíka (to strašně tluče přes voči, nech to opravit) moc fajn zpracované téma. Dal jsi tomu spoustu času, pěkné fotografie.

Články o tom, že nějaký detektorář našel v Anglii či ve Skotsku, nebo v snad v horoucích peklech to či ono (copyright Vašek Klaus) mě neříkají absolutně vůbec nic a sám se takové tvorbě vyhýbám jak čert kříži.
Tvoje články o knoflících, to je ta správná tvorba pro vášnivého čtenáře. Je v tom kus vlastní invence, mnoho kilometrů naběhaných a vlastní fotografie. Do takového článku dává autor kus sebe sama. Tohle nemůže dělat každý a tys to zvládl na jedničku.

Budu se těšit na pokračování.

Romene, kde máš "knoflíka"?

V nadpisu: Konoflík jeho knížecí...

Pěkně jsi se do toho obul... 👍 Máš to moc pěkný 👍😊

Překlep, možná naše chyba když s to kopírovalo do administrace. ;-) Jdu to opravit ;-)

Uctivě děkuji kolegové, až něco zajímavého vyhrabu, tak zase něco napíšu. 😎👍

Tak na to se myslím těšíme všichni. Každý takový článek dá moře práce :)

Elmara - už je to fajn, ď.

Poklona, moc hezký ;-)

Pěkné Michale ;-) Dobře zpracované, počtení super ;-)

Luxusní, prostě hledání a dohledání od A_Anfang (začátek) po Z_závěr.

,,Na počátku každého kopání je úžas nad tajemstvím co vydalo onen signál ‘‘ MK

Parádní pátračka! ;-)

Ještě jednou uctivě děkuji kolegové, budu se fakt snažit zase něco vyhrabat. 8-)

Krásný příspěvek! Díky!

To kapsa: myslím, že bychom tě klidně vzali i sebou, někam do polabí :) Dáváš tomu všechno :)

Elmaro, bylo by mi ctí, aspoň bych se něco přiučil, já jsem spíš na to psaní a focení, ale na samotný hledání jsem spíš jelito. 8-)

Rozhodně nesouhlasím s postojem, že pravděpodobnost, najít něco cenného, se rovná téměř nule. Kdyby z muzeí mělo zmizet vše, co bylo nalezeno pomocí detektorů, tak bychom asi divili! Ano, samozŕejmě, nezbohatneme. Už jen proto, že to odevzdáme patřičné instituci!!!

Myslel jsem to úplně jinak - spousta lidí si totiž doopravdy myslí, že to děláme pro prachy, nebo že se tím doslova živíme. :-D
Jinak jasně, v muzeích je toho od nás docela dost, taky tam odevzdávám a nikdy bych nic neprodal, ale kolik takových věcí najdeš? Kolik to je z celkového počtu nálezů? 0,01%? A kolik z nálezů včetně bordelu?? 0,000%??? :-)

Pokud si někdo koupí detektor s pocitetem, že zbohatne, tak především doporučuji nedávat výpověď v práci. :) Zklamání je pak dost velké. :)

Pro tyto hledače máme označení "výsledkově orientovaní" a u hledání to většinou vydrží krátece. Zlata je holt po těch polích nějak málo a živit se prodejem železa a mědi? To už tady má obsazený jiná parta. :)

Jasan, souhlas, ale fakt je až zábavně velké procento lidí, kteří si to fakt myslí. :-)

To kapsa: už moc ne, spíše tady řeším kolik se při hledání nachodí a zda se při tom dá zhubnout. Na což myslím jsou nejlepší zabordelený polabský pole. Těch dřepů je pak za den dost :) .... já už si ale klekám :)

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