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Coming soon Spring 2020 - Mars GaussMD
Categories: Special offers, new items , Detektor kovů Mars Gauss
Mars, the successful manufacturer of trackers, probes and wireless kit has its first detector in a long time in the pipeline. The first reports on the project date back to 2018, so we were quite curious to see what GaussMD would look like.
The detector uses a custom design. We can only assume it will be of similar quality to the complementary design that Mars already sells, but we haven't had the detector in hand yet. The GaussMD operates at two frequencies, 16 kHz and 48 kHz. Given the name of the detector, we are already curious what the evaluation(Gaussian probability curve) will be. With a name like that, it should be great.
The manufacturer states ultra light weight, but we don't have the final number yet, so we can only speculate. Given the weight of the Discovery and Tiger coils that will be supplied as a basic and yet quite robust design I won't venture a guess myself though.
The battery life is very interesting. It should keep the detector running for around 24 hours. The design of the unit is waterproof and dustproof. The detector should also have a special depth mode that should be worthwhile.
The detector's controls are conservative. The most interesting part will be testing the different operating modes. The detector should go on sale sometime in the spring, unfortunately we can't give an exact date yet. The prices are estimated and based on the current Euro/CZK exchange rate. In any case, another new detector will be added to the already extremely hyped class. We are looking forward to testing.
The detector will be available in two variants - Light and Pro
GaussMD Light - estimated price 16.900 CZK incl. VAT
1. Guide rod with control unit
2. Headphones
3. MDLink receiver
4. Cable (USB / mini USB)
5. Magnetic charging cable
6. Quick charger - USB adapter
7. Set of rubber rings
8. Screw for mounting (2pcs)
9. Tiger base coil, incl. cap + protective cap for connector
GaussMD Pro - estimated price 19.490 CZK incl. VAT
1. Guide rod with control unit
2. Headphones
3. MDLink receiver
4. Cable (USB / mini USB)
5. Magnetic charging cable
6. Quick charger - USB adapter
7. Rubber ring set
8. Mounting screw (3pcs)
10. Discovery base coil with cover and protective connector cap
11. Smaller 7" iron-infested area coil with protective connector cap
12. Mars Pointer tracking detector
The article is included in categories:
- Archiv článků > Special offers, new items
- Archiv článků > Metal Detectors - Reviews and Tests > Mars - Reviews and tests > Detektor kovů Mars Gauss
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