How it works at the hallmark office

Categories: Search instructions

There are several branches of the Assay Office in the Czech Republic, so you don't necessarily have to go to Prague as in my case. Anyway, the services provided should be the same in all branches. A list of the hallmark office branches, services provided, price lists and other information can be found on the hallmark office website:

I chose for myself the most accessible branch in Prague in Kozí Street, I did not want to film anything inside, so I will try to describe the course of the visit at least for others. It is not necessary to make an appointment to visit the hallmark office during office hours, but it is possible to book a visit online.


I myself arrived first thing on Friday morning about 10 minutes after opening and a kilo of my reworked silver was weighing me down in my backpack see previous article: How to prepare mined black silver from water for further processing

There were 5 people in the waiting room of which 2 went to dispense and the rest including me went to receive. What I was a bit puzzled by is that part of the waiting room is a window where the lady I was discussing everything with was sitting. The whole waiting room is quite small and I would say that more than 10-15 people can't fit comfortably. So other customers can hear absolutely everything you say.

I would have expected more discretion here. In my case, I brought "only" a kilo of silver, which is not astronomical , but going there with, say, 1/2 kilo of gold, I wouldn't feel comfortable at all dealing with it around strangers.

After presenting the material, the lady at the counter will ask you what you want to do with the material you brought and further ask for an OP and enter you into the system. She will take the material and check it (for me, she tested my fused bricks with a magnet to see if they contained iron parts) and weigh it to the exact weightweights and then issues documentation (a receipt) that includes the weight, the type of metal, what is to be done with the material and the price for the service selected. But what surprised me was that nobody wanted to pay anything up front, they say you pay only when you get it out.

Next, the lady at the counter informs you when everything will be ready and when it is possible to stop by to pick up the finished ingot, for which the PO has 10 days.


After the deadline passed, I went to the PO again, but this time on Monday morning. The occupancy was about similar, but this time I went to the door for dispensing, so I didn't wait more than about 10m. Dispensing is already done here quite discreetly behind closed doors. You present your documents and OP to the lady at the counter and she issues your precious metals along with all the proper paperwork.

Here you also pay for the services performed (I paid cash), but I also saw a card terminal. After you sign the receipt and pay, you can clean up your material in the dispensing room and head home.


I brought the material on 26.1 (Friday) and the pick-up date was set for 5.2. However, the ingot was actually finished in a few days, because the date on the log is 31.1. So it is quite possible that if you call the PU and ask, it will be possible to pick up the goods earlier.

This was also the case with 3 gold jewellery pieces where I had the purity assayed and the deadline was 30 days, but it was ready when I collected the bar (10 days).

10g of material was returned to me because of the toxic cadmium (Cd) content -it was part of the contacts from the circuit breakers, so the final weight is 985g. All the material reworked by me was accepted fine and the weight loss after smelting was about 3g per 1kg minus the returned material.

Other PU services

PU offers a myriad of precious metals services, so I also had the purity assayed on 3 gold jewellery pieces stamped (by a brand unknown to me). The price for this service is a nice 60kč and at the end you get a report with the purity found. If the jewellery submitted meets our legislation, they will even polish it for a small fee.

If in the future it comes to selling this investment ingot, anyone trying to offer you less or questioning the purity, get away from it quickly and definitely sell your investment ingot elsewhere. However, companies that deal in buying precious metals are registered with the Assay Office. So I think they have an obligation to accept the hallmarking data.

If the precious metals dealer you want to sell the ingot to is registered with the Assay Office, you can find out easily on the Assay Office website, preferably by entering the ID number here:

Excerpt from the hallmark office website:

What is the validity of the official findings on the purity and weight of ingots issued by the Assay Office? The official finding attached to the ingot pursuant to Section 33(1) of the Hallmarking Act is a public document pursuant to Section 8(2) of Act No. 19/1993 Coll.

This means that the information on this finding is considered correct and binding on everyone, unless proven otherwise. The onus of proving that the award contains incorrect information is on the side of the person who disputes it. Until such proof is made, the information in the award shall be presumed to be correct.

It is therefore not possible to further arbitrarily modify the test results given in the finding, e.g. by deductions from the stated purity or weight. This applies, of course, only to the condition in which the sealed safety plastic bag is intact.

How and what should be on the ingot processed and issued by the Assay Office?

Precious metal ingots are marked:

1) the official bullion mark (large or small)
2) the bullion number, i.e. the abbreviated number of the bolt
3) the purity.
4) the weight.

Ingots weighing up to 50g are marked with the ingot mark only. Ingots weighing more than 50g and up to 1500g shall be marked with the official ingot mark and the ingot number. From 1500 g onwards, the ingots shall be marked with the official ingot mark, the ingot number, the fineness and the weight.

The small bar mark shall be used only when the size and shape of the bar make the use of the large bar mark impossible. Precious metal ingots are officially sealed in PE bags with protective printing on the reverse side. A bag containing the residue of the sample after analysis is placed in the official bag alongside the ingot.

The official bag is sealed together with the official finding, which also contains the identification data of the ingot + a link to view the official ingot. The display of official characters is


Any searcher who has been searching for any length of time and is sure to unearth a pile of twistedof watch lids, spoons, and coins that have been through the heat and other broken silver.

This is the official way in which such an unsightly pile can be given at least some order and preserved as valuable. Overall, in both cases the lady was very pleasant and never kept me waiting long. So, if you want to use the services of PU in the future, you have nothing to worry about, it's a government institution and it's there for you.

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Inspirující a přínosný článek 👍

Škoda , že není tady možnost si dát článek mezi položku "oblíbené" nebo tak něco. Takhle to půjde do mých záložek, kterých mám mrtě :-D

Super článek. Děkuji za zajímavé informace. Za pár let hledání možná také využiji. 😉

jaccob díky že ses podělil.
Dobrá práce.👍

Zajímavé informace, na takovou cihličku budu muset přidat v hledání a recyklaci.

Rikal jsem si ze to tema neni jeste nikde popsane a hledacum se hodi😉.Navic jsem tomu sam potreboval dat nejaky rad.
Cement…u Ag je prave problem to DPH ,to u zlata neni…
Kazdopadne jde to vycistit na 999 i v domacich podminkach, mam nejakou soc. knizku o zkatnictvi a tam je celej postup popsanej, ale nejak jsem se nechtel otravit tou chemii tak jsem to nechal takto🤣

Jaccob: ahoj, kdyby jsi přidal kontakty s kadmiem do tebou vytvořených slitků, co myslíš, že by se stalo? Mě zajímá, jestli Cd zůstává ve stříbře i po roztavení, ppř jestli se změní nějak obsah toho prvku. Určitě ve slitině s ostatními zlomky a šperky ano, ale jaká je třeba norma (rozmezí) obsahu kadmia.
Asi se ptám, jak jitrnice, ale docela mě to zajímá. Snad mi rozumíš. Dík za odpověď. Čus.

Machyc- kdybych to tenkrát tavnul do těch cihel tak by to asi prošlo.(bylo by tam toho stopové množství) .. Takhle jak to bylo v těch kontaktech tak to asi ten kdo to sléval viděl a rozhodnul se to z toho vybrat - ale to jen některé kusy, vrátili cca 1/2 a to i hmotnostně to sedí.

Každopádně kadmium se dřív přidávalo i do pájky na Au a pravděpodobně i Ag- snižuje bod tání o cca 10-15%
Dostal jsem tomu papír že podle nějaké nové směrnice EU nemůže být ve špercích hmotnostní podíl více jak 1% jedovatého kadmia.

Díky moc za vysvětlení. Měj se :-)

Moc pěkně napsané a poučné, jen to stříbro mi chybí 😉

takže jestli dobře chápu...dokáží roztavit a udělat cihličku?
díky za odpověď

Spudd-ano doneseze material (alespon trochu vycisteny) a oni ho roztavi a vrati vam cihlicku s protokolem zatavenou v bezpecnostnim obalu….

V clanku je odkaz i na predchozi clanek kde je videt jaky material jsem tam donesl

Tady nerozumím. Vidím odlité válečky, které jsi na PÚ přinesl, ale píšeš, že ti vrátili část kontaktů z jističů. Takže kromě těch válečků jsi odevzdal i další zlomkové Ag? Mohu tedy na PÚ přinést všechno ve zlomcích /příbory, šperky, kontakty i zlomkové Ag bez puncu/ aniž bych to musel doma tavit? Dík za odpověď.

A to vše jen za 60,- Kč?

Tony52, Podívej se pozorně na oba články....Tam je vidět co tam přesně bylo.
Dával jsem tam cihličky co jsem tavil sám viz příspěvek:
Dále ještě ty válečky + pár řetízků a dalších zlomků vč. mincí (čistých)+ ty kontakty.

Vzali všechno jen ty kontakty vrátili ( jen část).
Poplatek za tavbu vč. protokolu je 600 do 1000g hmotnosti.

Přinést tam můžeš asi cokoli ale můsí to být čisté - to černé Ag z vody by asi nevzali, protože by jim to za***lo ten tavící tyglík bordelem...

Poplatek 60 kč byl za zjištění ryzosti Au přívesku (platí se 60kč/ks).

pěkně napsáno,taky mam něco bordýlku,ale kilo to nedá :-D :-D ....dík za článek ;-)

Super informace. Také chodím na PÚ pokud neznám rizost. V Hradci Králové mě účtovali vždy 40 Kč/gram. Za 60 Kč/ks to je super. Koukal jsem do sazebníku a příště se ozvu. V HK, to asi účtujou v jiné kategorii: "d) staré a opravené zboží za 1 g slitiny
05 zlato (Au) 40,00 Kč"

Super, jsem rád, že jsi mi napsal. Nějak jsem to přehlédl.
Ještě se zeptám, na co se dá využít taková ryzost stříbra. Dá se dále upravovat? Asi ano, jak píše jaccob.

To jaccob:
Chtěl bych se zeptat, čistě teoreticky, nejsem chemik, jakým chemickým čištěním se dá docílit čistoty stříbra 999
Díky Martin

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