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How to use Pro-Find 35 in salt water
Categories: Minelab – tests and reviews , Minelab Pro Find 25 metal detector
As some of you may have noticed, this week we returned with the LP team from Minelab conference in Italy.
Since the holiday season is approaching and the conference was held in a hotel by the sea, the mandatory gear couldn't stay at home :D.
Although there wasn't much time for actual searching during the conference, I still broke away for a while and went to test how Minelab's waterproof finder behaves in salt water and tweak the settings a bit while using it.
Generally salt water is also a bit conductive, which of course the detector reacts to, however with the right procedure this effect can be eliminated. The correct way to do this can be seen in the video, either way you will need to go down a bit with the sensitivity which will depend on the salinity of the water.
In Italy it came out to a sensitivity of 2, however I would guess that somewhere it will go to 3 (depending on the salinity of the water). Even so, the range for euro coins was perfectly adequate. The detector is always calibrated immediately after switching on, so be sure to do this step directly in salt water, don't be afraid to stick the tip of the finder in the sand when switching on.
The last (third) beep after powering up will alert you that the detector is properly calibrated. During this time, the detector stores the signal readings from the coil, so leave the detector underwater with the tip in the sand until the calibration process is complete.
As the conference was attended by Minelab representatives from coastal areas who were searchingm in the sea, I also got some valuable advice on the movement and settling of the object due to sea waves etc., but you can look forward to this article in the next few days
The article is included in categories:
- Archiv článků > Metal Detectors - Reviews and Tests > Minelab – tests and reviews
- Archiv článků > Metal Detectors - Reviews and Tests > Minelab – tests and reviews > Minelab Pro Find 25 metal detector
Díky za info. Hraji si s ním teprve druhý den, ale všímám si, že správná kalibrace je nutnost. Pak je ovšem perfektně citlivý i na velmi malé objekty.
mna by zaujimalo či ma tento pro find 15,35 ferit pevne zaliaty ako predchadzajuca verzia alebo volne ložený tak ako Garrett Pro Pointer AT.
freexxx, u 15 a 35 jde celá sonda společne s deskou elektroniky vyndat .
tak to je skvelé
Je to zalité tak jak to vyndáš?