How to use the X-Terra PRO metal detector

Categories: Detektor kovů Minelab X-Terra Pro a ELITE

Ondra Mlejnský, Mensík z Pepře a X-Terra Pro

A couple of weeks ago, a new "beginner" detector Minelab X-Terra PRO slightly stirred the waters of the world "detector hunting". There are a number of detectors appearing regularly in this category and thanks to Minelabthe Vanquish series, the Multi IQ multi-frequency technology, familiar to many Equinox hunters, has also entered this price class. So what is the Minelab X-Terra Pro detector and why are they sold out a few days after launch?

To start with, we had the opportunity to start testing the detector from the summer of 2022, when Peter and I were looking for any bugs on it and generally putting together reports for Minelab from testing. We really liked the detector from the beginning and expected a price somewhere on the level of the Vanquish 540. Then when the announcement revealed that the detector would be priced at 7,990 CZK, just below the Vanquish 440, we were slightly shocked.

The detector lacks Multi IQ multi-frequency, but that's pretty much the only minus. Beyond that, it can only boast, and considering the price, it really has a lot. The detector is based on the Equinox series of detectors, namely the new 700/900 models. This corresponds to the ID answer and also the possibility of using Deep mode etc..

The Terra works very well in 15 kHz for small targets in fields and also the behaviour in heavily ironed locations is decent. At 10 kHz it can be nice and quiet even in high sensitivity settings. Moreover, if we again consider the price of the detector and what the searcher gets for his money, the price/performance ratio is hard to find a comparison on the market today.

In this article we will describe the individual functions of the detector and at the end we will add settings for both beginners and searchers who already have some experience.

Detector design

The design of the control unit is based on the Equinox series. This makes the detector waterproof, which was probably Minelab's original intention to have a waterproof detector at this price point. The guide rod is three-piece, square and a big plus is that the unit itself can be removed from the rod quickly and easily thanks to the bottom grip. Unfortunately, the elbow is fixed with a cross screw, which doesn't allow quick removal, but in principle this can be quickly solved with a screw with some plastic head. This makes it possible to very quickly disassemble the whole detector into its "first parts" and fold it into a really small backpack.

Detector control and recommended settings

But let's get straight to what every new owner of the X-Terra PRO is interested in and that is the recommended settings and generally the control of the detector and the possibilities it gives you in the field. Since I'm writing this article more for beginners or moderately advanced, it's probably a good idea to review a few basic things about the proper operation of the detector.

There are some functions that affect the performance of the detector quite fundamentally, some marginally and others that are just there for the searcher's convenience. The essential ones are sensitivity setting, discrimination, ground effect tuning, recovery speed, working mode and in the case of Terry PRO also working frequency setting, since the detector does not use multi-frequency technology.

Of the features that affect the detector's performance less, the main ones are the threshold tone and interference detuning.

And then there are other features such as audio tone settings, backlight, vibration, etc. that are just there for the finder's convenience. So, by definition, we're going to focus primarily on the first two categories.

Description of Controls:

Sensitivity settings. This approach will result in nothing more than an unstable instrument that is difficult to work with.

The settings should always be such that the detector is quiet. Personally, then, I always prefer a setting that makes it "hiccup" a little at times, but for a beginner, less is always better. The optimum setting on most sites is from 19 to 22. I would probably always start at number 20.

Discrimination: any experienced searcher will tell you the same thing. Discrimination should be saved. Since the X-Terra uses multi-tone identification, this is much easier than it was with, say, detectors that use only one tone for identification. It is a classic beginner's mistake to close all negative numbers (iron is reported by a negative number), thinking that this will avoid all iron.

Unfortunately, then the problem arises with really big iron targets in depth. A searcher who "turns off iron completely" in this way will then hear only an occasional "paint" beep on such targets. This often leads him to think "probably a colored target very deep" and digs. But if he also leaves his irons open, then he will hear the target with an iron tone into which he can easily mix the color. Basically, he learns so quickly that such targets don't kick.

So the recommended setup is to either walk in All Metal (horseshoe) or at most delete one die from the left. The picture shows the irons closed completely, which is especially when you start off badly.

Ground Influence Tuning: Ground Influence Tuning has a major effect on both range and detector evaluation. With the X-Terra you can do it manually according to the instructions or automatically. From experience, if the tuning number comes out below 30, it is better to go with the manual setting. If the number is higher, it usually means that the mineralization will also change more and then it is better to go automatic, where the detector evaluates the ground constantly.

The main thing is always to detune or turn on automatic at the beginning of the search :).

Recovery rate: the recovery rate is set depending on the number of targets (iron) in the site. The greater the number, the higher the recovery speed should be, and your movement should be constant, say like a very old man mowing the grass. Usually, fields are more cluttered with waste and iron than forests. So for Terra, you can usually set forest to 1, standard field to 2, and if the location is really one handcuff next to another set it to 3.

Search modes: as you can see from the description next to the picture, the different programs differ from each other in terms of which sites they are designed for, sensitivity, separation properties, etc.

What does this imply for searchers in our country? If you walk around with a detector for a while, you will find that in most cases there are significantly fewer targets and waste in the woods than in the fields. But this is such an Eastern European specificity, as this is not the case when searching in the UK or France, for example. The local peasants just don't dump their rubbish in the fields.

The setting of the work program should correspond to the number of targets. Thus, if you get several iron targets on every wave, you should choose Park mode. If it's "silent" and you're not getting a number of targets on each wave, you should choose Field mode. It is true that you should always use primarily the 1 point working modes.The 2jk ones have increased sensitivity, which is more for tracking smaller areas where you are concentrating on the smallest targets.

Simply put, to the field PARK, to the woods POLE. :)

Beach modes are for saltwater searches, on our ponds and lakes use 1 and 2 modes park and forest.

Operating frequency

As hinted above, the X-Terra PRO does not use Multi IQ multi-frequency technology, which is also its only minus and limitation. You can choose from 3 separate frequencies of 5, 10 and 15 kHz for the Pole/Les settings and 8kHz for the beach (saltwater) modes. So the classic guidelines for using one frequency apply. Lower frequency means higher ground penetration and higher sensitivity to small targets. In practice, then, for "war" at 5 kHz or 10 kHz, for small coins and generally smaller targets with 15 kHz.

Evaluation by ID numbers: it uses the already new Minelab scale, where negative IDs from -19 to 0 are available for irons and from 1 to 99 for "colored" targets. Discrimination then uses a segmented line graph at the top of the LCD as it did with the original X-Terra series.

Interference debugging: there are two things you should always do at the beginning of a search. Tune the ground or turn on the auto and tune the interference. The detector will choose the least cluttered channel and this allows the searcher to set both a higher sensitivity and, most importantly, to search in a more relaxed manner. The function can often remove even very strong interference. Of course, by definition, there are places where it can or will always be a problem (e.g. searching around transformers, high voltage poles, etc.).

Threshold: Threshold tone is for many searchers "that background hum". You should set the Threshold so that you can perceive it slightly at the threshold of audibility. The threshold tone raises the range slightly on the most subtle targets, and the other feature associated with it is a pause in the signal when you cross the target you are discriminating.

You should never set the Threshold too loud, on the other hand then you might lose the faintly audible targets as you won't hear them. There are searchers who are not comfortable with constant weak background sound. In this case, turn the threshold level down to a level where you can no longer perceive it. I would definitely not set it to 0, though.

Tone response settings: What audio response is largely a matter of personal preference and so you can't say this or this is best. The detector uses audio responses of 1, 2, 5, multitone and depth mode with VCO. The 1, 2, 5 and multitone modes differ from each other mainly in the number of tones used. The DP - depth mode is completely different.

DP: Depth mode works with VCO, so you can hear the depth of the object under the probe better and it can also be used very well in places with a high concentration of ferrous waste. The mode uses tones, short deep unmodulated for ferrous and high modulated for non-ferrous targets. Peter and I have been directly involved in testing and modifying this mode and use it very often ourselves.

Recommended settings

If you've made it this far through the description of the most important features, it's to be appreciated. In the following lines, I will list our settings for each location and type of search target, taking into account what the searcher has already found.

General settings for beginners and intermediates: tune ground, tune interference, set All metal (horseshoe) or close only one die completely left.

Field with less iron: sensitivity at 20, working frequency 15 kHz, working mode Park, threshold at your audibility level, recovery speed 2, audio 5 or multitone.

Fields with large amounts of ferrous debris: Sensitivity 20, working frequency 15 kHz (if the finest targets are not in the area, you can try 10 kHz), working mode Park, threshold at your audibility level, recovery rate 3, audio DP. If you learn to walk slowly, overlap the coil lines nicely, move the probe max 2 cm on the ground, you can use lower refresh rate 2 even in such a location. But if you are in a hurry, 3 is a better choice).

Forest - small targets, small amount of waste: sensitivity 22, working frequency 15 kHz, working mode Field, threshold at your audibility level, refresh rate 1, audio 2 tones. In such locations, there are usually few targets, so the seeker will basically dig up every "color" anyway, so setting some higher audio resolution won't do much good.

Forest - small targets in more waste: sensitivity 20, working frequency 15 kHz, working mode Field, threshold at your audibility level, refresh rate 2, audio DP.

Forest - large targets/wars: Sensitivity 22, operating frequency 5/10kHz, operating mode Field, threshold at your audibility level, refresh rate 1, audio 2 tones or DP.

Tracking: Whether in the field or in the forest, whenever you are tracking a small area where you are trying to pick out all the color use the dual modes. The detector is more sensitive and prone to interference in these modes. If the targets are small, use 15 kHz, for larger diameters in depth you can experiment with 5 and 10 kHz, audio on DP.

Ponds: as sensitive as the location will allow. Settings can be as low as 17-18, working frequency 15 kHz, threshold to audibility level, recovery rate taking into account the number of targets, it really varies, but you can always start at two. Working mode at the beginning always use the one mode taking into account the number of targets, only when you are tracking can you use the two mode.

I wish all terrarians well and any further questions please write down in the article. Peter and I will follow the thread and keep answering everything.

Photo: part of findings Ondřej Mlejnský

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Za mě úplně nejvíc dobře zpracované ;-)

Jj paráda :-)

Jeldo díky, děla jsem to 3 dny každé odpoledne :)

Ahoj. Chodím citlivost na 25 i na čediči. Jen dám auto vyvažování země. 8-) Méně dávam jen když to opravdu drnčí a to je vyjímečné. ;-)

Ještě......kopnul už někdo xterrou pro Gold Ring. Jaké bylo ID? Hezký večer.

Kaparso: Záležína tom jak je to velký prsten a zda je to bílé zlato a nebo plnotučná žluť. Třeba muj snubak, typ "velice chudý novomanželé" dává ID 22. Joccobův, plno žlutý masák, typ Jeruzalémská zlatnická čtvrť ID 55 :)

Co by mě ale zajímalo, jelikož na to nemám dost testů je ten čedič. Zkoušel jsi jak moc ti to ovlivní v takovém místě dosah? Třeba na 2h RU nabo 1 kčs. Kdy se cíl začne padat do železa a kdy se ztratí uplně. Mě výsledky celé nové řady Terra, EQ 700, EQ 900 velice mile překvapili.

Svůj test mám, ale je to jenom z jedné sice docela drsné lokality, ale lokalit to chce více .)

Pandora: jsem trochu vedle? Co tím mysíš? :)

Ahoj. Rozdíl tam je, tedy docela slušný, pokud tedy poorvnáváme Terku a V540, EQ 600. Přesto hezké :)

Co se týče polygou u Norda, ten je vždy docela drsný. Tudíž to tam detektory jako Terrka mají těžké :)

Elmara děkuji za ID ringů. Tedy cca dvojnásobné ID čislo jako o Equinoxu 600. Také jsem to již zaregistroval. Ta nová stupnice ID je skvělá. Mám radost. :-D.
Čediče chodím ale hloubku na nich jsem nikdy neřešil. Na lokalitách mě známích není moc hluboká kulturní vrstva,dáno kopci a roklemi,porostem. Ale věřím že čedičem překrytý džbánek s mincemi může být problém. :-O Takový to test jsem ještě nezažil :-D Hezký den.

Vše okolo čedičů mě velice zajímá. Jelikož pro mě je to z ruky jezdit testovat na sever a i když to občas uděláme, je něco úplně jiného jít si tam x. krát zahledat a nebo ty čediče chodit jako svoje lokality. :)

Zdravíčko, a jaké jsou od minelabu bluetooth sluchátka pro xTerrku? Mohl bych požádat o doporučení některých? Mám drát a to musim pořád hlídat v lesíku.. předem díky za info
Jinak článek moc příjemné.. díky ;)

Ahoj. Funguji ML 85 a ML 105. V nabídce budu na začátku června.

Zdravím, máme problém s nastavením detektoru X-terra pro. Máme nastavení Park 1 a jsme na poli, ale detektor signalizuje +- stejným tónem jak minci, tak i železo, i když máme diskriminaci železa nastavené, a taky hodně ukazuje displej železo když hledáme, i přes vaše doporučené nastavení. poradil by jste nám s nastavením detektoru či nějáke rady? Hledáme převážně na poli. Díky :-)

To Sachmar: asi to bude chtít změnit z nastavení 1 tón alespoň na 2 tóny :) V pondělí k nám zavolej, nastavení probereme podrobně.

Jelikož se Terra o víkendu docela slušně ukázala na:

Myslím, že je aktuální připomenout tento článek, který tak nějak shrnuje vše podstatné.

Zdravím a jak tedy dopadla..?? Já tam bohužel nebyl. Děkuji 8-)

Dopadla moc, moc, moc ale opravdu moc dobře :)

:-D :-D já si to myslel :-D :-D

Paráda. Mám radost :-D

Detektor už jsme nastavili a zatím šlape :-D

Pandora - to jako fakt? :-O
Elmara - bude nějaké video kromě toho pána hamouna se sto lupenama od tomboly(v dobrým jako, support se cení, ale co ostatní)
Počasí přálo, účast vypadá že byla hojná 👍🏻🙂

To Nebelix: ne, opravdu tentokrát jsme s Petrem šli doslova z ruky do ruky. Ještě že alespoň Roman udělal pár záběrů, jelikož Petr i já jsme dělali pouze a jenom vyuku a nastavení.

Co se týče výsledků Terrky, opravdu se předvedla. Jako 600 stovka to tedy nechodí, především u drobných věcí to bylo znatelně slabší. Na těch nejhlubších ale předvedla více než přístroje podstatatně, dražší... tedy ne od Minelabu :)

Co mě ale docela dostalo, byl klid provozu. Já tam mezi desítkami detektorů chodil s nastavením citlivosti na 25 a ono se to dalo. Každopádně doporučených je 20-22....:)

Pokud vezmu poměr ceny a užitné hodnoty. Ten detektor by opravdu mohl mít cenu někde jinde .)

Elmara, díky za upřesnění, svatozář za vše co pro tuhle věc se zájmem děláte, někdy se stavím až bude blíže ;-)

Dej předem vědět, abych tady byl já nebo Petr. Přecijenom teď nastanou dovolený a musíme se nějak prostřídat .)

Já myslel nějakou další akci ;-)

Určitě budou dvě na podzim, ty už jsou domluvené. Podrobnosti dáme na LP v průběhu prázdnin. ;-)

Tak po čase Terrky skladem, alespoň na chvíli, jelikož další přijdou až na konci června.

Dobře ty a co nechce se ti udělat testík. Jelikož jsi docela slušně kritická, myslím že by zajímala všechny? :) Samozřejmě ychom ji dali na stránky tak jak ji napíšeš, opravujeme maximálně čj :)

Bulharsko je super, ale ne na pláži v Burgasu. Chce to uplně jinam :) Sondu tady máme, už otestovanou ale to je předvýrobní věc, není to seriovka. Ty snad budou na konci léta. :)

P.S: třeba Loveč je moc hezký město včetně okolí :)

Hmmm... loveč je řím - republika, řím - císařství a pak ještě nějaká ta východořímská :)

Celkově je to takové archeologické "porno". Zvláště od Sofie k moři se každá pořádná vesnice jmenuje mogila..něco :). A ty mohylníky jsou kam se podíváš.:)

Nestalo, ale nepoběží :)

CD - nedetekuje cívku. Psal jsem ti to nahoře.

Je to dlouhý, nemám čas musím toho dnes udělat hodně. Ale ten písek je nádherný, úplně mě polila chuť vyrazit směr Řecko :)


Ahoj všem lidem dobrým. Máte někdo sluchátka ML 85? Jde vám párování s mobilem? Androidem? Díky za zpětnou vazbu. 8-)

Kaparaso, podle video návodu pro ML80 co jsem ti dával pod článek o výročí Minelabu se mi 85ky spárovat nepovedlo.

Děkuji za reakci. Takže sluchátka jsou jen k detektoru ale radio si na nich nepustím. Jen Kabelem! Za mě krok zpět oproti ML 80 :,-(

On to asi takřka nikdo nepoužíval. Navíc i to braní telefonu jsme pak opustil, jelikož buď hledám nebo dělám. Oboje najednou nefunguje :)

No na hledačce jsem samozřejmě rádio nepoužíval :-D Ale třeba na práci na zahradě atd. jsem si rád poslechl hudbu z YouTube. :-/ Prostě proč to tam nenechat. ?? Ale vysvětlil jsi mi to = NEJDE TO. Děkuji a hezký den. 8-)

Tak to je škoda, je otázka zda by tam ta funkce nešla vrátit.. sám chodím na krabičku a na zahradě máme rádio z repráku od našich pubertálních synků :)

Kamaráde děkuju, ten článek je geniální.. Terra od vás včera dorazila, ale první rande bylo krátké, jen dvě hodky. Dnes mám půl dne dovolenou a jdu se seznamovat blíže 😎

Tak alespoň postříbřit :)

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