No ty kráso pěknej.👍 A ty 1.35 gramy se jako vypařily?
I melted my gold
Categories: Experiments and copy production
Since the first two months of the new year had weather that would not even drive a dog away, it was time to dig through the finds and sort out everything necessary and unnecessary after the hard covid waves.
As I was going through the beach box of gold jewelry I got with Equik from the water, I found that the reáI don't really need 10 pieces of wedding rings with names engraved on them, torn hollow chains and earrings by the piece.
So I re-purposed the whole box into nice wearable gold and fractions. Since selling gold these days is a bare fool's errand I decided to make something out of the matryoshka. After the hunger ring, the hand in hand ring, one of my other unfulfilled prospecting goals, and that was a gold royal link chain that has successfully eluded me in my entire aquatic career.
So I had to go against it, capitalize on my 15+ years of experience in soldering small electronics and make it myself.
The royal link is one of those relatively complex links and is very material intensive, with I'd say at least 200 links on the entire chain. I originally wanted to make the chain in a combination of red and yellow gold, but I ended up abandoning that idea after I abandoned it and made it completely in yellow.
For making the chain more or less overnight, then putting the kids to sleep for about 10 nights with minimal equipment needed, I'd say it was pretty successful.
It was probably one of the few projects where my butt was a little tight, as I was playing with a nice paycheck's worth of gold with zero goldsmithing training.
Anyway, despite all that, I'd say it was a success and I'm glad I was able to make something that will stay with me (until one of my daughters or my wife melts it down after I die so she can have it for a vacation :D)
Technical data
- Gold 14K
- Length:59 cm incl. carabiner (48 cm before rolling - without carabiner)
- Weight 37.4 g incl. Carabiner
- Thickness 3.2 mm (prism)
- Weight loss:1.35g (weight of added solder added)
A total of 9pcs of wedding rings,3 pendants and 8pcs of earrings fell on the chain.
I would also like to thank all the visitors of swimming pools and swimming pools who put together the chain :D and my Equinox 800 detector without which it would not have been possible :D
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Klobouk dolů, pane
Za mě škoda nálezů:D ale výsledek stojí za to luxusní práce smekám před tebou tohle je fakt super práce
Velká paráda, fakt klobouk dolů 😉🤩
Neuvěřitelné, ne-u-vě-ři-tel-né !
Nevěřil bych, že tohle lze v domácích podmínkách vyrobit jen tak na „na koleně“. U mě jsi borec.
Velká paráda... Jsi borec
Super práce
Velkej paaan! Moc pekne .)
Diky,bylo to o nervy ,hlavni bylo neprijit o matros ,rikal jsem si ze v nejhorsim pripade to proste v oro vymenim za ryzi slitek a dopadne to stejne jako by to dopadlo predtim…
Teda pane, čest vašim rukám a klobouček po zásluze smekám
- 10 veceru po 2-3hodinach ,za jeden,dva vikendy kdyz si na to vezmes cele tak to jde udelat ale pak ti bude z toho nekonecneho pajeni hrabat..😂😂
Skvělá práce, moc se mi to líbí.
Mooooc. pěkný.
Do slova a do písmene, zlaté české ručičky
Klobouk dolů👍
No ty kráso, to je paráda! Jsi opravdu borec!
Jaccob to si my to mohl poslat ale umíš. Bylo tam něco i od nás z rybníka ? Jinak dost zlatae
Jo par ks bylo od vas 🤣🤣🤣(dve nausnice a snubak)
Tak to je nádhera, klobouk dolů!!!
Trpělivost,nervy a nevzdat to za mě máš velký obdiv
ještě bych ho pomazlil leštěním a pak ultrazvuk
tvl ty jsi neskutečnej borec!Fakt klobouk dolu. to musela byt obrovska fuška a trpelivost.Bych nikdy neveřil že se to udelat takřka v domacim prostředí..
Krásná práce dal jsi si záležet a tomu zlatu to takhle pohromadě sluší mnohem víc video taky super.
Jsi pán! Nádherná práce!
Jsi opevdu borec. Co se týče opuncování, tak chtějí Kč/gram. Nebylo by levnější tam dát již opuncovanou karabinku z jiného řetízku, když víš, že to máš 585?
Zlaté české ručičky. Nádhera. Tohle jen tak někdo nedokáže, poplácej se po rameni