Categories: Golden Mask - Reviews and tests , Golden Mask GM 5 , GM 6 a ONE

Detektor kovů Golden mask 6

The brand Golden Mask is one of the stalwarts of the detector market, so when I found out that there would be a new model in 2020, it didn't leave me cold. Despite the initial difficulties, the detector reached me and testing could begin. I was most interested in how the detector would be better than the previous version. Personally, I was at a loss, because Golden Mask released a couple of models that I would say that the silver coating and a small change in frequencies would not be such a major change to test and evaluate.
However, the new Six has undergone a major modification with the preset seeker mods and also three brand new frequencies and that was worth testing.


Everything is neatly stacked in the package and you will find a good old shaft, headphones with charger, a 30cm 2D Spider coil, box case and display protection. There is nothing to describe about the shaft. Years of proven composite shaft with three locks. Simply lightweight, stackable and easy to set up. However, beware of the inner silicone bushings which have a larger gap and are not as precise in guidance as those on the older model. With the two bottom bars, it can be easily rotated side to side. It's no big deal, but anyone who has a lot of experience with previous models is guaranteed to notice. Compared to its predecessors, the WS-106 is very sturdy and can withstand rough handling. Very sensitive volume adjustment and soft padding make them a super helper for all-day searches. They fit well, except that in the summer they are incredibly hot. What I missed with them was the carrying case. However, due to their sturdiness, they didn't suffer any damage even when carried in a backpack.

The electronics box has remained the same in size, but the appearance has changed in the number of control buttons. This is a novelty and a three level control system, with the left column being the first level, the middle the second and the last column the third. The device has five buttons but the one on the far right is used only for switching the detector on and off and switching on the LCD backlight. The plus button is used in the menu to move down and the minus button to move up.

Otherwise, the minor fogging problem has been removed and the new Six can handle heavy rain without any problems, even without flooding and subsequent fogging. So the detector is not only well resistant to rain but in case of cleaning can be used even a shower and without damage to the electronics box. Beware though, the detector is not waterproof but only water resistant, so definitely do not submerge under water!


The MENU function is a new feature and is designed to allow the searcher to quickly switch on the device without the need for complicated setup. So called: turn on and go. There are four brand new preset search mods.

These programs determine what the seeker will go for, but it would be more accurate to break down each mod and realize where the seeker is going and what environment they will be in.


Frequency -15 kHz, Power Box -Medium, Boost-4, Treshold signal -90, Audio-30, Disc -2Tone, Disc Depth -12, Sound-I:R volume-6, N.F. volume-8, I.R. tone-0, N.F. tone-30, G.B. auto/manual , G.B. sense-5, G.B stab. -OFF, Restet + reset program selection.

Frequency -5 kHz, Power -High, Boost -5, Treshold signal-90, audio-33, Disc ALL Metal, Disc Depth -12, Sound-I.R. volume-6, N.F. volume-8, I.R. tone-0. N.F. tone-30, G.B. auto/manual G.B sense-5, G.B. stab -OFF.

Frequency-30 kHz, power box -Medium, Boost-3, Treshold signal-80, Audio-30, Disc -2 Tone, Disc Depth -10, Sound I.R. volume-8, N.F. volume-8, I.R. tone-0, N.F. tone-30, G.B. auto/manual, G.B. sense-5, G.b. stab-OFF.

Frequecy-15 -kHz, Power Box-Low, Boost-1, Treshold signal-80, Audio-28, Disc-2Tone, Disc Depth-14, Sound-I.R.volume-8, N.F.volume-8,I.R tone-0, N.F. tone-30, G.B.sense-0, G.B. stab.-ON.

All these factory preset programs can be adjusted according to the acute conditions you are looking at. In case you are not sure of the default settings, the detector can be reset to factory settings via the menu. Just press the left Menu button, then minus or plus, it will scroll you up or down to the hidden FACTORY RESET item. This item is not visible on the menu, but is hidden behind the base menu as the eighth item. Simply select the program you want to reset and confirm with the Enter button.

Golden Mask GM6


Now we will focus on what has changed significantly compared to the GM+SE version. Of course the already mentioned factory programs Coins, Relic, Gold, Beach. But also three completely different frequencies. The older version had 8-18Khz on offer,the new one has the option of 5-15-30 kHz. I find this frequency layout much more practical from a searcher's point of view.5Khz is for depth, so for warriors or forest depot searches etc.15 KHz is the universal frequency for general coin searching and30 kHz is absolutely perfect for searchingfinding small jewelry and small items lost on the beaches of dams, ponds and swimming holes. The frequencies can be switched between each other but the detector does not work with all of them at once! It is not Multifrequency as some manufacturers mislabel their detectors.

However, when changing the frequency, do not forget to choose the appropriate coil size! The GM 6 comes standard with a 30cm 2D Spider, which will easily cover the demands of normal searches (fields, meadows, woods) in combination with 5 and 15 kHz. However, if you want to use the full potential of 30 kHz, it is better to choose a smaller coil, namely the 23cm 2D Spider or even better the separating 17Cm 2D.For beach searches this is a must and the detector works better at higher frequencies with smaller coils.


This is exactly the same function as the previous model and controls the voltage on the coil. The higher the voltage the better the penetration through the soil and the associated increase in depth range. However, beware of highly mineralized soils, where the detector could become unstable. I have not encountered this and common field locations, forest I always go to HIGH. If the field is waterlogged , I choose MED.


This istheamplification of the signal coming from the coil.0-5.Almost all locations can be walked on 4 to 5.Signals are louder and clearer. Combined with Treshold at -90 and audio at -38, even signals at the limit of range are beautifully audible.


Nothing significant has changed about the sound settings. I.R.volume for the iron(I usually put 1-2 in the background)N.F volume for the desired targets. There I choose according to the current weather conditions. I leave the I.R. and N.F. as standard. Irons grumble, paint squeaks.


Ground Balance. The option is automatic or manual. With the GM 6's, the manufacturer has gone back to the 0-200 scale and automatic tuning is not as tedious, which is why I prefer it over manual. It is relatively fast but most importantly accurate.


This feature is new and is designed to eliminate instability and interference due to high mineralization (changes in the magnetic characteristics of the soil) during the search. With G:B:stab in the ON position, only the preset BEACH counts. In our case this function can hardly be used because it is primarily designed for salt water. It can be switched on at dam and pond beaches at the interface of wet gravel, sand and water. However, switching on the G.B. Stab. will reduce the depth detection of the detector.


If you are starting outwith the G.M.6or are switching from another detector, you don't need to worry that you won't be able to handle the 6. I would use the factory presets(programs) to start with and after a while you can start making your own adjustments. For the first searches I would definitely choose the COINS program, because it is a universal program using 15 kHz and two tones. If you have decided to go for the woods, the RELIK program with 5 kHz and ALL Metal is more suitable. For prospecting released dams and pond, the GOLD mode with 30 kHz and a small 17cm probe.


POLE-Program COINS, Frequency-15 kHz, channel 0-8 according to disturbance,P.B.-HIGH, Bost-4, Treshold signal-90,Audio-25-30, Disc 1 tone, Disc Depth-11,Dound I.R.volume-0, N.F.volume-3-5, (depending on how you hear and whether you use headphones when searching)I.
Iron Audio you can move the scale up to -19, 99% of small Agks report 21-46 and the foils are masked. For comparison Nox. 800 is rated 9-12.

LES-Program Relic.Frequency-5Khz, Channel 0-8, P.B-High, Boost-5, Treshold-90, Audio-38, Disc-1 Tone, Disc Depth-6, Sound I.R volume-0, N.F. volume 3-5, I,R,tone-1,N,F,tone-30, G.B.-Auto.


Frequency-30 kHz, channel-0-8, P.P.-Med, Boost-4, Treshold -80, Audio-13, Disc-1 Tone, Disc Depth -14, Sound I.R.volume-0, N.F.volume-3-5, I.R.tone-1, N.F.tone-30, G.B.Auto.Leave Iron audio at zero. The little golden rings are reported as 16 to 26, by comparison the Nox 800 scores them 4 to 6.

You will notice that the settings are very similar, except for the frequency selection. For my POLE mod I have the Disc Depth at 11 which is optimal for detection and proper evaluation for both coil and deeper targets. In the LES mod I prefer a better resolution in depth so I choose 8 and in the BEACH mod I set 14,because most of the interesting things (jewels) were at a depth of about 6POWER Box in HIGH setting is almost always usable from my point of view and only on really very wet puddles I choose MED. I would leave the LOW setting only for walking in salt water. I don't have personal experience though, as this year hasn't been a good year for traveling and there hasn't been a chance to test it properly at sea. And now why DISC 1Tone.I searched both in the woods and in the fields and some locations were really very contaminated with metal waste and even the iron in the background was unpleasant in the headphones after a day of searching.The 1 Ton is also deeper than the 2 Ton and increases the search comfort by closing the iron. Compared to the All Metal, the depth drop was minimal.

Because the new Six is very fast with an incredibly accurate chart, I had an instant overview of the iron in 1 Tone, even if it was a larger object. This manifested itself in a disjointed tone with a tearing at the end. If even the sound looked clean (such as metal rings) the chart was not fooled and would plot tiny lines and the target ID numbers went into the negative.
I was very surprised that a digital display could behave like analog. Speed, response, clarity of sound and if even that failed the graph and ID is relentless and when cruising over the target the iron reveals itself.


Benefits:high sensitivity and great depth detection.
High stability, even when searching between high voltage poles!
Easy to use-intuitive operation.
Fast recovery(target separation) and depth detection.
Three operating frequencies 5-15-30 Khz.
VDI target ID spectrum for accurate target identification.le
Excellent iron discrimination.
Waterproof unit.
Compact and lightweight composite shaft.
Durable and fully adjustable WS 106 headset.
Very solid battery life + backlight display.

Cons: Lacking a small separation probe in the base.Would definitely be useful with the new 30kHz frequency.
Detector is not waterproof. Cannot be submerged under water.
Tiny bag on telescopic shaft.


I was very pleasantly surprised by the new GM6, as I just didn't expect digital with the sound and response of analog. At times I felt like I was using the CS6MXI but with the display as a bonus. Very hilarious detector in terms of equipment, features and ease of setup. What I was kind of expecting didn't come true and that was that the new Six would be walkable in water. Shame............maybe next time. Still, I enjoyed walking and testing it immensely and for those considering a switch from the older model, it will definitely be a good choice with the bonus of super range and separation.

Golden mask GM6

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Sprchovat jakoukoliv elektroniku, která není vodotěsná, to není zrovna dobrá rada. Co když tomu někdo uvěří?

Ten Šaft by mě vadil, a vodotěsnost je taky dobrá. Přeci jen se tento koníček provadí venku :-D Ale na GM mám jen kladné vzpomínky a těch AGček to už se mi od té doby nikdy nepovedlo...... 8-)

namor....Když tomu někdo uvěří,tak tím líp.Zmokl jsem s detektorem tak,že na mě nezůstala nit suchá a detektor to přežil bez jakékoliv újmy.Řada věcí má vodotěstnost IP 67,například dohledávačka od Nokty .Takže proti stříkající vodě.IP-68 je vodotěstnost proti vodě do hloubky 3metry.Mnoho hledaču s Noktou běžně brodí a nestalo se jim,že by to dohledávačka nedala.Jinak přidávám videjko- To samé sem s Šestkou udělal také a absolutně bez problému.Golden Mask si v tomto ohledu hodně věří,protože dává dokonce záruku na desku elektroniky pět let. ;-)

sison - hledal jsem IP specifikaci i na stránkách výrobce, bohužel jsem narazil jen na informaci o tom, že je odolný proti dešti. Odolnost proti dešti je, pokud není specifikována IP číslem, obecně schopnost odolat padající dešťové vodě.
Sprchování je oproti tomu v podstatě působení tlakové vody a nemyslím si, že dlouhodobým sprchováním se do krytu elektroniky voda nedostane.
Budu rád, když do této diskuse někdo z LP vstoupí a přiblíží odolnost např.stupnicí IP. Zajímá mě to.
Jinak velice obsáhlý a vyčerpávající test na trochu pozapomenutou značku.

Apropo..., Mám fotoaparát, který je odolný proti dešti. Rozhodně ho sebou do sprchy neberu ;-)

namor....Já myslím ,že to videjko v odkaze je dostačující.Pokud máte pochybnosti ,tak určitě na to máte nárok a já Vám ho neberu.Jinak pozapomenutou???To bych neřekl spíš né tak protěžovanou a vyzdvihovanou .Samozřejmě Multifrekvence to není ale určitě má značka pořád co nabídnout a má své skalní příznivce kteří na ni nedají dopustit.

Pardon, video jsem neshlédl. Tak tohle mluví za vše a tím pádem už mlčím.

Čau Míšo, tak jsi to konečně dopsal :-). Dobře ty. Jinak, jako další obrovskou výhodu vidím v té grafické indikaci cíle, je super.

Díky za recenzi. Už jsem myslel, že se na GM6 zapomnělo.

A jejda, tenhle model nám úplně unikl. Kdybchom to věděli, pokryjeme ho v posledním dílu našeho podcastu Signály pod povrchem, kde jsme mluvili o detektorech, co mají brzy přijít na trh.

Pěkná recenze. Škoda že není na youtube kanále LP nějaký test dosahu a rychlosti obnovy na cíl .

Chodil jsem předchozí model GM5+SE a myslím si že GM6 byla pro výrobce logická náhrada, teleskopická konstrukce mi přišla jako jedna z nejlepších na trhu, výkonově srovnatelný s konkurencí a v poměru cena výkon patří k tomu nejlepšímu co můžete koupit

sison - GM6 chodím od března 2020. Louky, pole bez problému. V lese kde je sebemenší podrost tak mám falešné signály /prozvuky/ při továrním nastavení, což se projevuje neustálým pištěním. A tak se stává, že pak přejdu i dobrý cíl, v domnění, že se jedná o falešný signál a kolega za mnou ho vytáhne. Dokážeš poradit, nebo mám závadový kus vhodný na reklamaci? LP Zero a Whites XLT se mě tak nikdy nechoval. Chodím hledat cca 23 let.

zeleznak - Stáhni citlivost pokud se to nezlepší tak asi nejspíš chyba cívky, jinak měnší větvičky nebo borůvčí by vadit nemělo ale pokud to jsou silnější větve tak je to asi běžné že má detektor prozvuk

Brainscan - Dík za podnět, ale tady dělají prozvuky sebemenší větvičky a v borůvčí to řve v jednom
kuse. Věc už řeším ve spolupráci s Sisonem - snad na něco přijdeme.

Po pár měsících jsem nad míru spokojen, měl jsem obavy z dosahu a separace vůči LP zero ale řekl bych že je to detektor o třídu víš, hlavně v zamořených oblastech.Chce to jen vychytat nastavení a detektor zobe i věci kde jsem myslel že už nic není. Každému doporučuji,opravdu povedená mašina ;-)

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