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Metal detector CTX 3030 recommended settings and programs for download
Categories: Minelab CTX 3030 metal detector
We will not deal with the X-Change 2 program itself. On LP everything is described in two articles CTX 3030 under magnifying glass and Working with Minelab X-Change 2, the latter by Olda Habrovansky is so clear that there is nothing to add. For those who like "put this here, and put this here" instructions, this is just the thing.
CTX 3030 recommended settings and programs to download
Although this article will cover CTX 3030, this is actually the beginning of a long series of articles in which both myself and all the guys at the branches will be posting the best settings for each detector. The link to such pages will always lead from the detector discussion thread, and the articles will be gradually expanded to include settings posted by experienced searchers. A specific feature of the CTX 3030 article is that you will be able to download the programs in the article as well.
Remember that the settings are not related to sensitivity, volume level, tresholde and amplifiers. The CTX 3030 is very stable, so you can walk around with the sensitivity at maximum on many sites. It is definitely recommended to always start at 30. If conditions don't allow it, back off a bit and try again. The threshold tone should be set so that you can easily perceive it in the background. The volume is up to your preference depending on whether you are using headphones. If you want to learn more about the settings, see Detector Tests Minelab CTX 3030.
Field Combi - Elmara
The program relies on the ability to set the Tone ID profile to Combinate mode. This allows the lower part of the screen to operate in FE mode and the upper part in CO mode. this option is unique to the CTX 3030. In addition, the Combinate mode is modified so that the lower part of the screen is lowered so that there cannot be a problem with some low conductivity target reporting to the "iron". Also, the fourth deepest tone has a reduced area to make it easier to distinguish some low conductivity targets. You can download the program here: Field Combi - Elmara
Clean Field - Elmara
The program is actually a classic to start with. Tone ID is set in 4-tone mode in FE. Since it is assumed that you are in places with fewer targets, the setting is subordinated to maximizing depth. You can download the program here: Clear Field - Elmara
Maximum depth - Elmara
We have done a number of different tests on many targets. It is true that the behavior of the detector can change with different targets. But I would consider this setup to be basic if you are trying to track something and are literally going after every shard. Meanwhile, a response set to Long helps you pull out the smallest shard enough to go back and clarify the signal. You can download the program here: Maximum Depth - Elmara
CO Field - Elmara
A mode designed specifically for finding the tiniest little things in the brothel. The program uses the multitone in Conductivity, which brings the proven identification of such targets by the so-called doublets (deeper sounding tone). The mode is harder to listen to, but produces the best results if you focus on exactly such targets. You can download the program here: Field CO - Elmara
More programs to follow. We will also be happy to post any setups that users send in. It's a shame not to take advantage of the opportunity offered by Minelab's new technology .
CTX 3030 by Haban
Program PG Sokol is a program for large coins in pretty much iron but mainly in iron country. After consulting with Elmara, I tried using Tone ID - Combined. Actually I struggled with it for a while , because I "drove" 50 conductive for quite a while :-) But I have to admit that this variant is very interesting and I recommend it as very good.
Another program is "Habanuv rim" - this is a program I use in one field near Cologne where there are tiny Roman bronzes like clips and such and bronzes with tiny sharps and rhymes quite often half-size.And it's all in a horrible iron mess :-) This program of course I walk around with an iron mask and I also kick mixed signals just above the iron with "spill".
The third program is kind of simple when my friends and I are running around on the iron of old railroad ties. It's about wanting to dig the iron at that moment , but there are lots of horrible little nails and usually lots of iron scatter , hence the slight overclocking. You can walk around in a clean mask but you get a lot of those little things.
Dan - Habán -
(You can download the programs by clicking on the links)
The article is included in categories:
- Archiv článků > Metal Detectors - Reviews and Tests > Minelab – tests and reviews > Minelab CTX 3030 metal detector
Do konce týdne.
Všechny základní udaje jsou navíc teď přidané do hlavičky vlákna detektoru v diskuzi:
Stejným spůsobem postupně doplníme všechy další detektory
protože mám ctx týden, tak jako na zavolanou...moc díky, dobrý počin
To se docela hodí, díky
škoda je dobrýho člověka...
Postahujeme, poladime, vyrazime a vyzkousime, moc dekuji
Přibudou i další programy od Háby a Habána. Jak to kluci pošlou tak je přidáme
Fakt důležitá věc, jak píše Elmara, je nastavení ciltlivosti.
Vypněte automat (ten je pro starý báby ) a hezky volume doprava na 30.
Kdo chodí s velkou sondou jako já, vypne si na chytrym mobilu data a na 28 se dá pohodlně chodit skoro všude.
Doporučuju Response Long. Detík na plný pecky občas nějakej ten prozvuk vydá, ale s Longem se signál od prozvuku dá snadno odlišit. Ucho slyší.
A chodíme pomalu a s rozvahou borci.
Tak jsem se vrátil z dovolené a dívám se na ty nové články o nastavení.Je to super. Doufám,že se do toho zapojí co nejvíc zkušených hledačů a vznikne rozsáhlejší debata ke každému přístroji. Hned si stáhnu do CTX některé tady ty nastavení a vyzkouším.
Zdarec chlapáci, jsem též novým majitelem CTX a v pátek vyřážíme do pohraničí na "sudeťáky". Chci se optat co by jste použili na tuto hledačku v lese ? Vyplatí se použít velkou sondu (má větší hloubkový dosah ?) a jaký mod by jste použili ? Asi bych použil Relics nebo stažený program Max hloubka. Děkuji za každé info a radu :)
S pozdravem Šelda.
Selda čau tak jak s tím jako čerstvý majitel bojuješ?
Servuz, co se týče nastavení a vkládání bodu tak v pohodě. Jinak se učím v terénu tím, že zatím kopu vše abych se naučil :) Myslím si, že je to dobrá mašinka. 13 let jsem jel s analog, byl to už dědeček Tesoro Tejon, tak jsem si udělal rados :)
objevil se update software na
Zkoušel někdo výše zmíněný update?
Ahojte potreboval by som pomôcť nastavit ctx na 2tón neviem sa s toho vysomárit bude niekto ochotný a poradi ďakujem