New Children's Metal Detector Bounty Hunter Junior Target ID

Categories: Bounty Hunter - Reviews and tests , Dětské detektory kovů Bounty Hunter

Dětský detektor kovů BH Junior Target ID

In fairly recent times there is a new children's detector from BH, the Bounty Hunter Junior Target ID. It is a device designed forchildren up to 9-10 years old at most. Still, I have to say that we were quite impressed with how this "toy" works. After all, you can see it for yourself in the video in the article.

Like the older model, the new BH junior ID does not have an armrest. The design is telescopic with one tightening lock. You set it to the desired length, turn the unit on and off you go looking. Setup is really very simple, the unit operates in fully automatic mode and the only thing you can adjust is the discrimination level. The power supply is handled by two pencil batteries in the handle of the device.

Ovládací box detektoru kovů BH

The detector weighs 550g, which is a manageable weight even for a child of smaller stature. The diameter of the probe is 16 cm. The range of the device is not somehow dizzying, yet you can't pass a coin in 10 cm and if you concentrate on weaker responses, you can search even deeper. As with all detectors, the range of the device increases with the size of the object. A really large object can be taken much deeper, but we didn't test this particularly well. There's no reason to. Nine year olds have enough trouble wriggling their way to the 10 cm wheel anyway, as anyone who has ever gone searching with these little ones will attest.:-)

The detector is thus designed for children, and an adult searcher will not be able to search with it due to its length. At least I'd have to crawl on my knees with my two metres. So while it's a detector for kids, it's a full-size device. So if you decide to get one for your offspring, you can rest assured that you are really buying a METAL DETECTOR and not a worthless toy :-)

The new Junior Target ID costs 2.730 CZK including VAT and the devices are already in stock.

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Ale šlape pěkně. :-)

Ty jo... Parádní! Hezky šlape a to smajlíkový zpracování.... Být malochem, už bych visel rodičům na noze, ať mi ho Ježíšek obstará... :-D

elmaro prosím tě kdo je ten pán co předvádí ten detík?

To antabus: na videu je vedoucí našeho servisu Peťa Zuklín ;-).

To Decimus: Náš Odík už je trochu zhýčkaný, má Go Find 20. Ale detektor se mu líbil i tak hodně. Váha 550g dává šanci si zahledat opravdu drobným dětem. Hezká je i rychlá reakce, diskriminace pracuje jak má. Je to detektor i když to stojí pod 3000 Kč :-)

Tak a veleman už se nechytá vůbec a řekl bych že i žlutá tramvaj bude muset s cenou pod 3000 o:-) :-D :-D ;-)
Jak toto uvidí malá , tak mám po svobodě při hledání :-O Zbohem moje holky ,piva a cigára :,-( :,-( :,-(

dost dobrý

to je trefa do černého ... ;-) 8-)

:-O :-D ;-)

Takhle si trochu připadám s Ace250 taky tón, ale věř mu...

A navíc dítě spíš potěší desetikačka na žvejku.

Ty joo,parada :-)

To joeblack! Táááák,Ace 400i za tři litránky! Beru a vyprodáno :-D :-D :-D

tak ten je super :-)

Zdravím, chci se zeptat, jaký hloubky bere?? Synáček se asi zamiloval :-)

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