New skeletal remains found in Pompeii

Categories: Invitations , Nálezy nejenom s detektorem v západní Evropě

The time of summer holidays is approaching and more finds are being made at one of the most beautiful archaeological sites. We've been meaning to revisit the site for several years now, and in my opinion there is no more important archaeological site in Europe.

The ongoing excavation of the ancient Roman city of Pompeii has unearthed the remains of two peoplebelieved to have been killed by the earthquake that accompanied the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. The skeletons belonged to two men and were found in the 'Insula dei Casti Amanti', a cluster of houses and a bakery.

The remains lay under a collapsed wall, and are very well preserved. These were two men who died as a result of multiple injuries, probably at the beginning of the eruption. The wall probably collapsed with the arrival of the pyroclastic flow, and a detail shows that one of the victims attempted to raise his arm to protect himself from the falling debris.

Necklace beads and six coins were also discovered in the room containing the remains. Interestingly, two were from the mid-second century BC.

Pompeii is one big archaeological laboratory that brings more and more discoveries every year. The ruins of the ancient city were discovered in the 16th century and the first excavations began in 1748. Over the centuries, more than 1,500 of the estimated 2,000 victims have been found. There have been similar discoveries in recent years as well, most recently in 2020 when two skeletons of men, possibly a merchant and a slave, were also found during excavations in a villa on the outskirts of the city. They probably survived the beginning of the eruption and died in the subsequent explosion the next day.

An article full of photos from our visit to Pompeii in 2017.

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je město odhaleno jen z 40% (ani to ne).Tam se dočkáme, ještě hodně hezkých nálezů.

Parádní místo, kde se zastavil čas. Vážení cestovatelé, jak to tam vypadá s davy? Nerad se na dovolené mačkám ve frontách...

Argill: lidí je tam dost, ale ulice jsou široké... 8-)
Byli jsme tam dvakrát v sezóně a vcelku to šlo. Myslím že mimo hlavní sezónu to je o kus lepší.
Rozhodně to stojí za to.

Výhoda Pompejí je v tom, že je to opravdu dole na jihu. A tam už tolik lidí nedojede. Zažil jsem tam v sezóně den, kdy jsme na fóru byly úplně sami. Sedli jsem na schody, koukali na Vesuv a jedli pravý římský chléb, od pravých římanů ;-)

Dá se tam chodit několik dní, aniž by se člověk začal nudit. Ale jel bych nejpozději začátkem června. Pokud přijdou vedra, je to místo historického zážitku peklo ;-)

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