Please help me to determine

Categories: Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic

We are trying to incorporate into the installation of our castle the uniform worn by the last Count Karel Chotek in a photograph taken in 1915. The problem is no longer the uniform (that was also a mystery, but we managed to have it made according to the truth), but the decoration pinned on the photo.

All our friends (experts and enthusiasts), whom we usually go to with such questions, either don't have time for us or don't know. So, I am trying this through you in the belief that you either know or may know someone who does. I am enclosing photographs of the Count with a cross pinned to his uniform. That's what we're after.

Thismuch we know about his military service:
Year 1915.
Austro-Hungarian Army.
He was a one-year volunteer.
He served as a Lieutenant 7. Regiment of Dragoons in Brandýs nad Labem.
In the photo he is visiting home and wearing his walking uniform.
In addition to the decorations in the photo, he was also awarded the medal for bravery (we already have that).

During our efforts to find out the type of medal, we came across several pieces that matched, but they were all crosses that were given for several years of service, which in our case could not have been the case when only a one-year volunteer. We also came across mobilization and commemorative crosses, but they all have a circle in the middle. So our photo isn't very clear, but it seems to us that our cross doesn't have a circle in the middle.

We would be grateful if you would look into our problem and perhaps refer us to a WW1 metals expert.

Thank you very much in advance and have a nice day

Tereza Müllerová Dzurjová
State Chateau Velké Březno

(please write the destination in the discussion below the article)

State Chateau Velké Březno - Karel Maria and Ada Chotek - 1915

State Chateau Velké Březno - Karel Maria and Ada Chotek and Hugo Nostitz- Rieneck with his sister - 1916

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Odborník nejsem, ale přeju hodně zdaru, a klobouk dolů za takovou snahu.

A neměl pan hrabě vyjímku? Každý pravidlo nějakou vyjímku má.

To wladyslav. Myslíš že je to ono? :-)

to nebude ono...

Napíšu, zda ještě něco mají :)

tady na těchto stránkách by měli být všechna vyznamenání RU
je dobré si prohlédnout i fotogalerii třeba na fot.č.31 je hodně podobný ;-) 8-)

mě to nejvíc pasuje na ten Mobilizační kříž-v r.1908 dokončuje školu jednoročáků,v r.1910 umírá jeho sestra a on odjíždí studovat do Paříže a letní prázdniny využívá k cestám po Norsku, Dánsku, Itálii a východních oblastech Rakouska-Uherska.
takže pokud se zúčastnil mobilizace v r. 1912-13 tento kříž obdržel,a jelikož byl v r. 1915 zproštěn vojenské služby a odeslán do zázemí,tak si v podstatě jiné "ostruhy a zásluhy" nevydobyl :-)
je to tedy otázka k dalšímu bádání 8-)

Tak ještě pár doplňujících řádků:

"Víme, že ke konci roku 1915 těžce onemocněl a tak byl přeřazen na řízení vojenské železniční dopravy. Ale ty fotky z návštěvy jsou pořízeny ještě za jeho aktivní jednoroční služby z dragounů. "

Dle toho co mi napsali, tak více toho nemají .)

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