Dobrá práce ! 👍👏 Tak ať se ti daří. 😊 Každá zkušenost dobrá a u tohoto detektoru, to bude platit obvzláště dvakrát tolik. 😉
Test field III: Detector Minelab Manticore - on the beach trail
Categories: Detektor kovů Minelab Manticore
Since searching for extremely small targets underwater and on beaches full of trash is a bit of a league above the classic searchsearch, you need to have the Manticore detector perfectly mastered before you head out to the beaches so you know what, where and how you can or cannot afford to find in the setup. Especially if you're going to locations that, as in my case, you've already properly traversed with the Equinox and so it was clear that the snuband any larger targets will no longer be the case, and if there's anything else you can scrounge, I'll have to work on separation and sensitivity to small targets in particular. Any mistake in the setup means you're wasting there...
Since this is a completely new detector with a new chart system (the chart works completely differently than on the CTX and E-track), I needed to test the detector properly on a normal search engine first .Only when it was clear what and how, then I could go. Thanks to this I unfortunately missed a bit of nice weather when it was possible to go into the water and I had to wait for the autumn season of releasing ponds.
I didn't have that much time to pick the exact day when the water level would go down and so unfortunately I was late to most of the ponds and the banks were already properly crossed...
It was all the more necessary to set up the detector properly and squeeze the most out of it...
The chart separation really helps a lot, the only thing I missed was that unfortunately I don't have a small probe for Manticore yet and, I'm really looking forward to it, because it should take the whole thing up a level....
The beach
Note: When looking for the smallest targets in a brothel, the Ferrous limits setting is absolutely crucial, so you have to adjust the factory values.
My FL settings for small targets
However, despite the considerably unfavourable circumstances, I managed to scrounge up a few small yellow metal targets and even some silver :D. The vast majority were very old pieces on the edge of range that others had passed over. I was most pleased with an old earring with RU hallmark set with a diamond rouge and a gambler's pendant with a motif of all card symbols.
The most bizarre find, however, was two gold teeth. First is a denture made of high karat dental gold and right behind is another bizarre find, a pendant made of a milk tooth set in gold. Fortunately, in both cases, similar finds can be quite easily stripped of organic and foreign parts by heatingm metal and then dropping it into cold water, which usually loosens it, and then just beat out the residue with a hammer and then clean it in acid.
I'm looking forward to seeing Manticore at sea next year. There is a special cut for small gold in salt water and here I can't wait to try it, as detecting small gold in salt water has always been a problem.
The article is included in categories:
- Archive of articles > Metal Detectors - Reviews and Tests > Minelab – tests and reviews > Detektor kovů Minelab Manticore
Slušný, prostě dobrej stroj
žlutý sluchátka z noxe jdou i na mantu ? pokud jo neprodává někdo bazarový do vody :) Každopadně krásná práce, ale aktuálně nechci zmrznout tak zas na jaře :)
Tak to byl dost dobrý test, kdo umí umí , kdo neumí čumí
Se spis divim ze se nikdo nepozastavil nad tema zubama🤣🤣najit 2*zuby v rozmezi cca mesice se me jeste nepovedlo😂😂
S takovouhle mašinou to jde samo A hlavně jak píšeš tyhle cíle myslím, že přejde 90 % hledačů
Když si vzpomenu na svoje začátky, kolik já jsem toho musel přejít a ještě přejdu
A zvlášť v hloubce
.... No asi budu šetřit na pořádný dělo:-))), z jaký hloubky to i vytáhne? Je potřeba sluchátka? Když porovnáš s N600, je výrazný rozdíl?
Pandora- ano sluchátka ML105 a ML85 jsou kompatibilní.
Cenu separacky bohužel nevím ani rámcově ale rozměrově se mě moc líbí (20*14cm) to bude super žehlička
michalk- sluchátka jsou na takové šusty vždycky lepší.
Jinak přijde mi že oproti EQ je nárust výkonu více vidět na drobných cílech.
Pandora- zkusím tu krabičku nějak vymyslet ( stačí v podstatě jen přehodit vnitřek + napájet konektor na sluchátka a nabíjení. Jak dostanu první sluchátka na servis zkusím nakreslit krabičku tisknutelnou na 3D tiskárně.
Pandora prosím dej mi odkaz kde koupím bazar 600 pod 9000nebo 800 pod 15000.. dík