With a slight delay, caused by me getting a cold and not passing it on to any of my colleagues, the qualification for November is here. October's finals were exciting for many days, so we'll see how this round goes.
As in October, the winner can look forward to a Minelab Vanquish 340 metal detector, with the second and third place finishers receiving gift packages from Nokta.
Qualifying begins today, December 8, 2023 and will end on Tuesday , December 12, 2023 at 12:00pm. We will draw the new owner of the Mars Pinpointer from all those who take the time to enter their Top 5.
TOP 5 by Elmary:
1. https://www.lovecpokladu.cz/artefakty/nalez/zlaty-nakrcnik-s-tordovanym-telem-320695/
2. https://www.lovecpokladu.cz/artefakty/nalez/od-valdstejna-k-vasovi-321220/
3. https://www.lovecpokladu.cz/artefakty/nalez/skythove-na-kopecku-aneb-320713/
4. https://www.lovecpokladu.cz/artefakty/nalez/kalman-konyves-prvni-tu-320523/
5. https://www.lovecpokladu.cz/artefakty/nalez/bitevnicek-320464/