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Three frequency probe Nel Tornado for metal detectors Minelab X-Terra
Categories: X-Terra series metal detectors , Testy cívek pro detektory kovů Minelab
The Tornadounderwent a minor design change at the end of last year, which we didn't actually publish anywhere. It shouldn't be anything more than a minor tweak to the look of the coil. However, since there are a lot of searchers interested in the three frequency coils for the X-Terra series, we decided to take advantage of one new hole we dug to place a simulated copper depot and make a short comparison video.
In the video you will see the essence of the probe test at the lower 3 kHz frequency and the higher 18.75 kHz. The copper depot at 50 cm and the tiny Ag coin in the trigger polygon were tested. The theory clearly states that for a deeper and especially larger object, the 3 kHz frequency should be better, and for a much smaller tiny Ag coin, the higher frequency should work better. In our case 18.75 kHz. You can see how it turned out on the video, anyway the theory proved to be true in this case (not always the case ).
The probe in the 3 kHz setting takes the deputy quite well, in the 18 kHz setting it is such an inaudible hum. On the other hand, the range on a small AG coin was about 4 cm better at 18.75 kHz than at 3 kHz.
The whole test was done in the setting without dicrimination, tone count 3, sensitivity setting at 30 - (depot) and 27 (coin). But mainly working channel 2. For the umpteenth time we have verified that on the deepest targets, working channels 1 and 2 are simply deeper than 0, -1 and -2. I am not able to say whether this is always and everywhere, but we have already encountered a slight range correction on the deepest larger targets. Therefore, I can recommend using channels 1 and 2 with Nelka. Anyway, everyone can test for himself.
What to say about the coil itself? I have basically no complaints about it. In addition, very much appreciates the improved quality of the covers and all the materials used. The probe is thus a 100% professional product from all points of view and Nelu can only be congratulated on it. In addition, thanks to the distinctive shape of the lugs, it can be said that they simply won't burst even if you try to hang on to them .
Elmara, Ranger and Jaccob (Petr Zuklín, LP Service Manager)
The article is included in categories:
- Archive of articles > Metal Detectors - Reviews and Tests > Minelab – tests and reviews > X-Terra series metal detectors
- Archive of articles > Metal Detectors - Reviews and Tests > Minelab – tests and reviews > Testy cívek pro detektory kovů Minelab
Jen upozornění a upřesnění asi šotek u stříbrňáku jedete na dS čiže střední 7,5kHz a né na vysoké 18,75kHz což je ta dH jako při těch měďácích. dL je nízká těch 3 kHz. Tedy jestli to nepletu
A jinak tuto cívku vlastním a ohromná spokojenost, také mám Marsku Discovery na druhé 705 a tam už takové nadšení nepanuje, je potvora nějaká moc citlivá, sebemenší dotknutí o větvičku nebo mini stromeček a piští Musím stáhnout citlivost cca na 24 a pak je celkem hodná
Plánuji test a třeba zjistím, že Tornádo při 29/30 je to samé jako Marska při 24/25
a když ji okouřím na 29/30 budu až u klokanů hledat grešle
Počai praje, tudíž jako každý rok trávím prvních 14 dní s dětmi na dovče :) Ale ty drobné sondy uděláme až se vrátím :)
P.S: na šotka se podívám.... jestli je to tak tak by měl být rozdíl ještě o chloupek lepší