roman67 – profile


About user

Detector:XP ORX


Identifying of findings

secondary school
760 *
secondary school
700. in order
27 % levels completed.
There is 440 experience point left for the next level.

Ranking for last 30 days: 170. or greater place
List of ranks
Last user opinions

Top identifiers in the last 30 days

# User Experience
1. Hehous professor Hehous 4026
2. TienYtong professor TienYtong 3413
3. Wladyslav pro identifier: special rank for professional identifiers who can <strong>override the classification</strong> of any find Wladyslav 2246
4. suk58 professor suk58 2185
5. lukegoss pro identifier: special rank for professional identifiers who can <strong>override the classification</strong> of any find lukegoss 1598

Complete ranking

Contributed findings, articles and comments

Granted rand: Soldat for 2 articles or club posts (List of tabs)

Total comments: 353

Findings and articles of the user

Show 178 artifacts

Show 20 coins

Show 1 articles

Show 1 club posts

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