Detektory kovů Whites

Dobrý den, poradil by mi někdo nebo pověděl mi něco o techto detektorech, našel jsem na ně strašně málo informací a v ČR jsem nenašel vůbec nic. Nejlépe rady od člověka který má nebo měl :-)

In der Kategorie Metalldetektoren, Erstellt von Elmara 18.7.2015 14:07

David pouzi jeden z prednastavených programov XLT napriklad program Coin detekuj s timto programov bez uprav..

pripadne pouzivaj iba zakladne nastavenia u tohoto detektoru.**XLT.:

1. TARGET VOLUME - How loud a target beeps when detected.
2. AUDIO THRESHOLD - The slight hum or background sound heard continuously during searching.
3. TONE (AUDIO FREQUENCY) - Selects the frequency or pitch of sound the detector produces.
4. AUDIO DISCRIMINATION - The ability to reject trash, different sounds for different types of targets.
5. SILENT SEARCH - The ability to operate without the threshold or background hum.
6. MIXED-MODE - DC non-discriminate mode, working simultaneously with AC discrimination mode.
7. A.C. SENSITIVITY - Degree instrument is responsive to signals in the discriminate (motion) modes.
8. D.C. SENSITIVITY - Degree instrument is responsive to signals in non-discriminate (non-motion) modes.
9. BACKLIGHT - Used in dark conditions to light the display improving visibility.
10. VIEWING ANGLE - Adjusts the display for low or high temperature visibility.

Jo to musíš na pavelicoma ;-)

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