Metal detectors and treasure hunting

Forum for searchers
with metal detectors.

History, archeology, reviews and tests of metal detectors

Scientists find world's oldest surviving wine

Scientists find world's oldest surviving wine

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In 2019, a circular 1st-century mausoleum with rich grave goods was discovered during the renovation of a house in Carmona, Spain. Among other things, a glass ashtray urn containing a strange reddish liquid. The liquid, preserved after 2,000 years, is a "miracle" in itself, but the liquid has now been analysed and found to contain wine. The world's oldest wine...
The Marcomannic Wars

The Marcomannic Wars

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I would like to share a short article about the period of the so-called. Marcomannic Wars, which I recently wrote for the fcb page of our group Wulfaswaiut dealing with the life of "our" Germans, especially in the 2nd century. The Marcomannic wars also affect our territory and our history to a great extent.
2,000-year-old mounds with gold jewels on the Silk Road

2,000-year-old mounds with gold jewels on the Silk Road

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Archaeologists have discovered burial mounds with rich equipment in Turkistan, Kazakhstan. Among the artefacts were gold jewellery, weapons and arrowheads or everyday objects. All from the period of the virtually unknown Kangju state between the 5th century BC and the 4th century AD.
Monumental 4,000-year-old stone building in the shape of a labyrinth

Monumental 4,000-year-old stone building in the shape of a labyrinth

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The excavation of soil for the construction of the radar system of the new airport on the top of Papoura hill, northwest of the Cretan town of Kastelli, revealed a monumental circular structure dating back to the Bronze Age. Scientists do not yet know what it was used for. The magnificent work is attributed to the Minoan civilization, unparalleled in the archaeological record...
Detectors in archaeology in the Přerov region

Detectors in archaeology in the Přerov region

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The exhibition will present examples of unique metal objects rescued within the framework of the Preventive Archaeology project and thanks to many years of work by archaeologists and their collaborators.
Farmer discovers 1,000-year-old rare Viking sword type Ulfberht

Farmer discovers 1,000-year-old rare Viking sword type Ulfberht

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While cultivating a field that had not been ploughed for many years on a family farm in Suldal in south-western Norway, local farmer Øyvind Tveitane Lovra and his son discovered a rare Viking sword. Lovra initially thought it was part of an old piece of farming equipment, but upon closer examination he recognised the torso of a Viking weapon in the object. Only 170 swords of this type have been discovered in the whole of Europe.

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