Detector advice bureau
Meet good fortune half way a become an experienced detector user!
- How to pick a metal detector Principles of how to choose a suitable metal detector + dictionary of detector users' terms.
- Tests and reviews of detectors Tests a detector reviews from experienced users. Get inspired to buy a suitable metal detector.
- Video section Videos with findings, reviews a tests of metal detectors filmed directly in the field. Videos from metal detector events. In short, everything with image and sound.
- Instructions Do you want to know advanced tricks a wrinkles to make your treasure hunt, work with a metal detector, and cleaning the finds easier…? You will find valuable advice in this section.
- Principles of the right treasure hunter Follow simple unwritten rules a search wisely, so that the owners of the land a and other people may not look upon you with hostility
- Glossary of terms Familiarize yourself with metal detector technologies, electrotechnical and archeological concepts, and detector tools.
Do you want advice or help with the selection??
Send us a question or call +420 731 102 713.