

History hunters - mystery on 10.5.2024

History hunters - mystery on 10.5.2024

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Today, we're going to look at two almost new things that are very interesting and yet as yet undetermined even though they have already come into the hands of archaeologists.
Why did Neanderthals become extinct and Homo sapiens "won"? Different social structures may have been the key

Why did Neanderthals become extinct and Homo sapiens "won"? Different social structures may have been the key

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Neanderthals had big brains, their own language and used sophisticated tools. They were smart, had aesthetic and artistic sensibilities, and were spiritually based - they buried their dead with reverence. In many ways they were equal to modern humans and in many ways even surpassed them. So why did the Neanderthals die out while our ancestors took over the world? New evidence suggests that the fundamental differences were not in individual skills, but in our societies...
The most beautiful find of March 2024

The most beautiful find of March 2024

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We have here the March round of our traditional competition for the most beautiful find of the month. Since winter left us before it even showed up, the search in March was like I certainly don't remember in the last few years.

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