Finds and rescue research abroad


In a 1,700-year-old Mayan royal tomb, a jade mask of the god

In a 1,700-year-old Mayan royal tomb, a jade mask of the god

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Archaeologists from National Geographic have discovered a beautiful royal jade mask from the mid-4th century at Chochkitam near Petén, Guatemala. It survived looting by looters and was stored in the pyramid's burial chamber. Experts have deciphered the inscriptions and identified its owner and the god it represents.
Golden treasure in the flint cavity

Golden treasure in the flint cavity

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The British Museum's latest PAS Annual Report states that for 2022, the most treasures have been reported since the Portable Antiquities Scheme was launched. A total of 53,000 archaeological finds were reported and of these, 1,378 cases met the definition of treasure, including a very interesting hoard of gold Celtic staters in a flint 'box'...
A hunter discovers a treasure trove of iron weapons from the Roman period

A hunter discovers a treasure trove of iron weapons from the Roman period

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A set of iron weapons from the Roman period was found in a forest near Hrubieszów, Poland, close to the border with Ukraine. At the beginning of January they were accidentally discovered by a forester Mateusz Filipowicz and his friends. They first noticed one heavily rusted object with a crust lying in the mud disturbed by heavy forestry equipment. When Mateusz pulled it out, more appeared underneath...
Archaeologists find mysterious Roman dodecahedron - no one knows what it was used for

Archaeologists find mysterious Roman dodecahedron - no one knows what it was used for

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In the small village of Norton Disney, Lincolnshire, a very rare Roman twelve-pointed stone has been found. Only about 130 of these copper alloy examples have been discovered in Europe, ironically only in the provinces, never in Rome itself. In England it is only the thirty-third twelve-walled stone, none having been discovered in its original context until now.
1500 year old golden buckles with the oldest depiction of the Khan of the Heavenly Turks

1500 year old golden buckles with the oldest depiction of the Khan of the Heavenly Turks

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At the very height of eastern Kazakhstan near the borders with China, Russia and Mongolia, two golden plaques from the 6th century were recovered from the Eleke Sazy tomb complex. Both were lying in the central chamber of a nobleman's tomb and bear what is probably the earliest ever depiction of the crowned leader of the Göktürks - the so-called "Heavenly Turks"...
Ancient coin box with coins

Ancient coin box with coins

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In Hadrianopolis, today's Turkish city of Edirne, a set of almost 1,400-year-old coins was discovered in a ceramic jar. It is probably not a classic coin hoard - a depot, but rather a period "piggy bank", or a domestic treasure box.
A tall man's long sword under the floor of a medieval monastery

A tall man's long sword under the floor of a medieval monastery

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On 12 December, an important medieval grave was discovered in Halmstad on the west coast of Sweden. It contained a 130 cm long sword with the remains of a man with a very unusual height of over 190 cm. The sword blade itself is over a metre long and is in excellent condition.
16 800-year-old time capsule: Paleolithic dwelling in its original state

16 800-year-old time capsule: Paleolithic dwelling in its original state

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In the La Garma cave in northern Spain, archaeologists from the University of Cantabria have uncovered one of the best-preserved Palaeolithic dwellings in the world. The cave contains one of the most comprehensive collections of rock art in Europe, ranging from the Middle Palaeolithic to the Magdalenian. Less than 17,000 years ago, the cave was "sealed" by a rockslide and its contents have been preserved to this day...
England's oldest scientific instrument and the device that changed the world

England's oldest scientific instrument and the device that changed the world

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A remarkable artefact that may be considered the oldest scientific instrument found in England was sold at a recent auction. The 712-year-old copper quadrant, a medieval instrument for telling time, altitude and also used as a calendar, was auctioned for an impressive 3.6 million crowns. Along with it, an instrument that literally changed the world of science and medicine was sold for nearly 4 million...

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