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16.12.2009 Discovery of 3000 year old skeletons 16. 12. 2009

16.12.2009 Discovery of 3000 year old skeletons

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A great discovery was made eleven years ago by archaeologists underwater. They found dozens of skeletons in the Pacific Ocean. Experts estimate their age at three thousand years. Apparently, they were inhabitants of the Pacific archipelago of Vanuatu. The news was released by the media just days before the Christmas holidays.
Divers found the Enigma in a fishing net

Divers found the Enigma in a fishing net

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German divers from the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), searching for discarded fishing nets in the Baltic Sea, came across a surprising thing. From the water they pulled out a rare Enigma cipher machine used by the Nazi army during World War II.
Twelve shipwrecks in the Mediterranean

Twelve shipwrecks in the Mediterranean

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For five years, the British team behind the Enigma Shipwrecks Project kept secret the discovery of twelve shipwrecks in the Mediterranean. They're over 2,000 years old. They include a colossus from the Ottoman Empire that had precious oriental goods on board, including Chinese porcelain.

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