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Nálezy v Egyptě, Sůdánu atd.
16 Jul 2013 Tutankhamun was killed by a chariot 16. 7. 2013

16 Jul 2013 Tutankhamun was killed by a chariot

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British archaeologists came up with surprising information in 2013. According to them, the famous Tutankhamun probably died after a collision with a chariot. Initially, it was thought that the cause of death was a widespread infection following an open fracture of the femur.
4. 6. 2016 Meteorite iron dagger 4. 6. 2016

4. 6. 2016 Meteorite iron dagger

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The results of an interesting research were published five years ago by Egyptian and Italian scientists. They found that Tutankhamun's dagger is made of iron originating from a meteorite.
12. 5. 2015 Millions of dog mummies 12. 5. 2015

12. 5. 2015 Millions of dog mummies

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In ancient Egypt, dogs had an important role. They were intermediaries who would intercede with the god Anubis on behalf of their masters and secure benefits in the afterlife. It was in the catacombs of Anubis that archaeologists discovered millions of mummies of dead animals.
May 4, 2014 The oldest crown in the world 4. 5. 2014

May 4, 2014 The oldest crown in the world

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More than 6,000 years old is the old royal crown, which was found near the Dead Sea. Seven years ago, this historic gem was open to the public. According to experts, this is the oldest crown that has ever been found.
Mummy with golden tongues

Mummy with golden tongues

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Archaeologists working in a burial ground in Egypt came across ancient mummies with golden tongues. According to experts, these were amulets that were given to the dead so that they could speak to God.
1.3.2015 2000 gold coins

1.3.2015 2000 gold coins

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A hoard of gold coins was found six years ago by divers off the Israeli port of Caesarea. It was pure coincidence. Experts were called in to retrieve more pieces from the sea. The hoard dates back to the time when the Fatimids ruled North Africa. Two thousand gold coins are owned by Israel.
2,000-year-old hoard of silver coins found on the bank of a stream

2,000-year-old hoard of silver coins found on the bank of a stream

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In September last year, archaeologists found 651 silver coins from the Roman period in the ancient Greek city of Aizanoi in Kütahya province in western Turkey. According to experts, this is a unique collection of all the rulers of the late Roman Republic, the so-called "coin album" of the rulers...
13.2.2012 Helmet of a Greek warrior 13. 2. 2012

13.2.2012 Helmet of a Greek warrior

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The rare helmet of a Greek warrior was discovered in 2007 by workers during dredging work in the port of Haifa. Nine years ago, experts published details of the artifact. The helmet was made of bronze, decorated with gold and animal motifs.

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