Nálezy nejenom s detektorem v západní Evropě


Nálezy detektorem a archeologie v Itálii, Francii, Holandsku atd.
Discovery of Nazi coins and artefacts

Discovery of Nazi coins and artefacts

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Hundreds of Nazi coins and artifacts were discovered by a 19-year-old in a small village in the Netherlands. Near the site of the discovery was a military base.
Construction workers uncover a 2nd century Roman bath

Construction workers uncover a 2nd century Roman bath

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A bathhouse has been discovered in Baden, Switzerland, which was part of an ancient Roman spa complex. The discovery was made during construction work in the Kurplatz city centre. Archaeologists have dated the discovery to the second half of the 1st century to the early 2nd century. The bath was connected to a much older pipe that brought water from nearby sulphur springs.
Preserved Roman mosaic

Preserved Roman mosaic

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This year will again be rich in archaeological discoveries for Italy. A newly preserved Roman mosaic has been unearthed in the province of Verona, the second major find in May.
Pompeii's evil twin: A flooded city of vice at the bottom of the Bay of Naples

Pompeii's evil twin: A flooded city of vice at the bottom of the Bay of Naples

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The ancient Roman city of Baiae was situated on the northwestern coast of the Bay of Naples. At the time of its greatest prosperity, especially towards the end of the Roman Republic, it was considered a fashionable centre of the famous for its hedonistic entertainments and associated scandals, a kind of Las Vegas of the ancient Roman Empire.
Leiden museum buys rare Viking jewel discovered by metal detector

Leiden museum buys rare Viking jewel discovered by metal detector

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A silver braided pendant in the shape of a ring was acquired by the Dutch museum Rijksmuseum van Oudheden (RMO) in Leiden. It was discovered while searching in a ploughed cornfield near Hoogwoud on Christmas Eve last year. It has now become part of the national collection - it was bought from the detectorist for an as yet undisclosed price. The museum ranks it as one of the most important finds of the period, and adds it to a unique collection of other jewels from a hoard at nearby Westerklief...
5000-year-old sword discovered in a monastery

5000-year-old sword discovered in a monastery

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An Italian archaeologist discovered the rare sword in a monastery on the island of San Lazzaro. It was part of a gift from a leading civil engineer of the Ottoman Empire. The weapon is believed to be about 5,000 years old.
5.2. 62 Sixty percent of Pompeii was destroyed 5. 2. 0062

5.2. 62 Sixty percent of Pompeii was destroyed

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The destruction of Pompeii as a result of the eruption of the Vesuvius volcano in 79 is widely known. But the inhabitants of this ancient city also experienced a natural disaster on 5 February seventeen years earlier. Sixty per cent of Pompeii was destroyed by a violent earthquake.
50 graves of slaves who worked in the Roman villa

50 graves of slaves who worked in the Roman villa

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Graves dating back to the Roman period have been found by archaeologists in the south of England while they were investigating the site of a planned new school. The people buried there probably worked as slaves in a villa near the burial site.

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