Nálezy nejenom s detektorem ve Skandinávii


Nálezy a archeologické výzkumy ve Skandinávii
Early medieval rune stone in the kitchen floor

Early medieval rune stone in the kitchen floor

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A massive rune stone has been discovered under the linoleum of the kitchen floor of a farmhouse in Mosekær, Denmark. It may be one of the oldest in the country. While the archaeologist didn't see a historical artifact in it, a local detectorist noticed the runic markings after pulling them out...
2700-year-old petroglyphs hiding under the moss

2700-year-old petroglyphs hiding under the moss

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A group of petroglyphs from the Late Norse Bronze Age was discovered in Bohuslän in southwest Sweden. Forty figures including thirteen ships, nine horses, seven people and four chariots were hidden on a rock under a thick layer of moss. In their time, they must have been visible from far away. This is the largest discovery of Bronze Age petroglyphs in the 21st century to date...
Detectorist discovers Viking silver coins and jewellery from the 10th century

Detectorist discovers Viking silver coins and jewellery from the 10th century

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Two 1,000-year-old Viking silver treasures from the reign of King Harald the Wise were discovered in a cornfield near Bramslev in northern Jutland using a metal detector. The two sets lay just 50 metres apart. Originally they were even closer, but agricultural activity has disturbed their position and moved the contents.
Golden hoard reveals oldest evidence of worship of the Norse god Odin

Golden hoard reveals oldest evidence of worship of the Norse god Odin

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Scandinavian scientists have identified the earliest mention of the Norse god Odin. They found it on a piece of a gold bract, which was found along with other objects using a metal detector in western Denmark. Experts say it may change the way we interpret runic inscriptions and Norse mythology.
Archaeologists discover 1,200-year-old Viking swords perched high

Archaeologists discover 1,200-year-old Viking swords perched high

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During an archaeological excavation of a Viking cemetery near the Swedish town of Köping, two sword hilts were discovered protruding strangely from the ground. Subsequent research revealed that the hilts were part of Viking swords that had been driven into the ground above two graves, where they remained upright for 12 centuries.
Roman gold coins, jewellery, precious stones and other treasures of detectorists, an example of a working collaboration

Roman gold coins, jewellery, precious stones and other treasures of detectorists, an example of a working collaboration

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The Danish National Museum pays tribute to amateurs with metal detectors with a special exhibition. The curators praise a specific Danish law that obliges detectorists to report and hand over their discoveries to museums in exchange for a reward - a finder's fee: "When the first metal detectors appeared in the 1980s, some wise museum directors were astute enough toand knew we had to work with these people," says National Museum curator Line Bjerg.
Archaeologists discover the world's oldest rune stone

Archaeologists discover the world's oldest rune stone

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In 2021, archaeologists from the Museum of Cultural History were investigating an ancient burial site at Lake Tyrifjorden near Oslo when a sandstone slab with runes dating back 2 000 years was found in one of the graves. It is the oldest datable rune stone in the world...
Giant Viking structure found in Denmark, possibly related to Harald "Blue Tooth"

Giant Viking structure found in Denmark, possibly related to Harald "Blue Tooth"

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Danish archaeologists have uncovered part of a massive Viking structure that may be linked to King Harald "Bluebeard" Gormsson, who ruled from 958 to 986. Although the larger half of the structure is still in the ground, experts speak of a huge surprise and an exceptional find, unprecedented in Northern Jutland.
Avatar of Egtvedpigen, or: the Bronze Age Girl Speaks

Avatar of Egtvedpigen, or: the Bronze Age Girl Speaks

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In 1921, the grave of a young Bronze Age woman was discovered near the village of Egtved in southeast Denmark. It was found when a farmer dug through her coffin with a shovel while digging a burial mound. The coffin with the remains was later stored in a museum and now, using the latest 3D virtualisation techniques, has been 'brought to life' to bring the past as close as possible to the visitors it speaks to, waves to and greets.
1000 year old Viking silver treasure

1000 year old Viking silver treasure

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A 1,000-year-old hoard of silver necklaces, bracelets and coins has been discovered in Viggbyholm, Sweden, near Stockholm. Some of the coins come from Bohemia and other European countries, others are of Arabic origin. The quality of preservation of the jewellery and coins is remarkable, they are like new.

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