Nálezy nejenom s detektorem ve Skandinávii


Nálezy a archeologické výzkumy ve Skandinávii
47 years ago she lost her ring in the US, it was found in Finland

47 years ago she lost her ring in the US, it was found in Finland

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It sounds unbelievable. Sixty-three-year-old Debra McKenna lost her ring 47 years ago in Portland, USA, and a few days ago a metal detectorist found it near a forest in Finland. The jewel was given to the woman by her boyfriend and future husband in high school.
Searching for meteorites in Antarctica

Searching for meteorites in Antarctica

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Scientists will search for rare meteorites in Antarctica. The British expedition hopes to find at least a few. Their exploration will take six weeks. They've gone to the region of permafrost and cold equipped with a special metal detector. Specifically, they're looking for meteorites called Siderites. They usually contain 20 percent iron and nickel.

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