Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic


The discovery of a 13th century tar works or settlement

The discovery of a 13th century tar works or settlement

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Tar-making belonged to the so-called forest crafts, along with coal mining, ash making, tar-making or even glassmaking. Their remains can be found here and there in the form of pottery fragments, pans or glass drops in forest streams or in clay scattered by animals. Or, as in this case, quite by chance when digging up another find.
History hunters - mystery on 19.3.2024

History hunters - mystery on 19.3.2024

6165 2
So, again, a very "bearded" thing. Already since 2012 there is this "saw", which is included in the Bronze Age, but what it is and where it belongs we still do not know.
History hunters - mystery on 18.3.2024

History hunters - mystery on 18.3.2024

7016 15
Since 2021, we have this object in the Bronze Age, which has been handed over to the museum in Hradec. We don't know what it is or whether it belongs to the bronzes.

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