Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic


Forest Depot

Forest Depot

16066 14
A collection of several small objects from one hole.
Scattering of Polish groschen

Scattering of Polish groschen

7944 10
As it happens, I planned a search with my friends for the weekend. Me, David and Brába went in a squad. We had the spot already from last time. The old quite inconspicuous path had already let something go the week before. Two Saxon grosz, 3kr. Ferdinand III and 1/24 thaler. David then 6kr.1849,10kr. FJI, a Polish poltorak and 2 Ag. So the place is quite nutritious.
We love it :-)

We love it :-)

14359 6
So it's been almost two years since our club was founded.
Greetings to all treasure hunters and past

Greetings to all treasure hunters and past

26754 16
It's been a month since I've been using the new Zero II 30 and I wanted to share my beginnings and some small experiences that probably won't be appreciated by the greasers.
Dream Depot

Dream Depot

55034 155
Last year brought one literally unbelievable find. As it is in these cases, chance helped everything.

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