

GALLERY OF MARKS - Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD)

GALLERY OF MARKS - Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD)

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Originally the Reichsarbeitsdienst was to serve as a preparation for service in the Wehrmacht, it was to be a kind of training centre, butbut was increasingly militarised, especially during the campaigns in Norway and the West.
BARIUM - Part One

BARIUM - Part One

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In order to connect the guerrilla groups with London, during the Second World War, the Czechoslovakia, steamships with specially trained soldiers of the former Czechoslovak army were deployed. This is the story of one of them!
Battle of Dukla Pass

Battle of Dukla Pass

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The Dukla Pass is the site of the largest battle in Slovakia during World War II. The Carpatho-Dukla operation, which included the battle for the Czechoslovak border, was intended to help the Slovak rebels. Originally it was supposed to last only 5 days, but in the end the fighting lasted 80 days.
Fortress Dobrošov

Fortress Dobrošov

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One of the stops on our four-day excursion was the Dobrošov Fortress. It is a dismantled artillery fortress, part of the Czechoslovak border fortifications from 1935-1938.
Why Sokolov was called Falknov

Why Sokolov was called Falknov

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Where was Falknov or Birndorf? You might be interested in a list of the old original names of some villages in the west of our country....
I-52 Golden Submarine

I-52 Golden Submarine

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I-52, also known as the Golden Submarine because of its latest cargo. However, the gold she carried in payment for technology and war materials never made it to occupied France.

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