Antonín Krátký Budějovice

Zvonek z loňska, je to fešák a nacházel se úplně mimo civilizaci, čekal jsem tam i to kolo s majitelem...

Artifact category

Identified category:
User feedback: Means of transport - bicycles - bells (14 názorů)
Doudy1: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, petroff: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, Karinn: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, Wladyslav: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, Scarmasax: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, suk58: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, : Means of transport - bicycles - bells, Kapsa: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, tony52: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, Franz1983: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, Mildes: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, GATTO: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, 123Martin: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, wiky: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, Admin's vote (?)

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Antonín Krátký Budějovice
Antonín Krátký Budějovice
Antonín Krátký Budějovice
Antonín Krátký Budějovice
Antonín Krátký Budějovice
Antonín Krátký Budějovice

Circumstances of the finding

Location:Jihočeský kraj
State of soil:Damp
Depth of the finding:30 cm
Used detector:Zero 30
5 votes
5 votes
Doudy1 Doudy1
30 October 2022,
5 February 2023


Peknej ;-)

Sláva Tondům i tvýmu nálezu🙂👍

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