Lžíce Lewis. Rose

Stará lžíce z roku 1940

Artifact category

Identified category:
User feedback: Cutlery and crockery (14 názorů), Daily needs of a soldier (2 názory), Metal utensils and parts thereof (1 názor)
: Cutlery and crockery, jarkan: Cutlery and crockery, Rozik83: Cutlery and crockery, Scarmasax: Cutlery and crockery, waffen: Cutlery and crockery, cisar: Cutlery and crockery, nikamov: Cutlery and crockery, nastezce: Cutlery and crockery, kamenozrout: Cutlery and crockery, Kapsa: Cutlery and crockery, Zakuj: Cutlery and crockery, nadlacan: Daily needs of a soldier, GATTO: Cutlery and crockery, lumberjack: Daily needs of a soldier, Zudrman: Cutlery and crockery, Erika: Metal utensils and parts thereof, ondrasecek: Cutlery and crockery, Admin's vote (?)

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Lžíce Lewis. Rose
Lžíce Lewis. Rose
Lžíce Lewis. Rose

Circumstances of the finding

Location:Plzeňský kraj
State of soil:Dry
Depth of the finding:20 cm
Used detector:Detektor kovů Bounty Hunter Quick Draw
4 votes
4 votes
ladcu ladcu
9 October 2019,
11 October 2019


Jedná se o lžíci s přejímací značkou britské armády ;-)

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