
Dnešní polní nález. Velikost 45x25mm.

Artifact category

Identified category:
User feedback: Extremities and matches (37 názorů), Parts of the belt (1 názor) Spendlik: Extremities and matches, petroff: Extremities and matches, Karinn: Extremities and matches, eurohotdog: Extremities and matches, waffen: Extremities and matches, Singer: Extremities and matches, Kapsa: Extremities and matches, ufo: Extremities and matches, Najduvse: Extremities and matches, Fila13: Extremities and matches, petr-pppp: Extremities and matches, Harryll: Extremities and matches, LuckyLuky: Extremities and matches, bonsai: Extremities and matches, Jitrnice: Extremities and matches, suk58: Extremities and matches, Mildes: Extremities and matches, Gwin666: Extremities and matches, zuzkan: Extremities and matches, GATTO: Extremities and matches, nastezce: Extremities and matches, Gimli: Extremities and matches, zizka: Extremities and matches, prospektor: Extremities and matches, kovboj78: Extremities and matches, Luk: Extremities and matches, Master2: Extremities and matches, quo_vadis: Extremities and matches, Hehous: Extremities and matches, Argill: Extremities and matches, : Extremities and matches, haidrich: Extremities and matches, Rozik83: Extremities and matches, berserk: Extremities and matches, Drobek-bobo: Parts of the belt, gforce_cz: Extremities and matches, milankk: Extremities and matches, Gazda: Extremities and matches

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Circumstances of the finding

State of soil:Wet
Depth of the finding:5 cm
Used detector:ORX
7 votes
7 votes
zdenzbos zdenzbos
10 January 2021,
10 January 2021


Nakonci opasku :-)

Děkuji za určení.

Pro tvou představu

Jojo, vypadá to jako nákončí a moc pěkně zachovalé...gratulka.. :-)

nakonci stredovek,pekny kousek ;-)

jj to údajný středověký nákončí ;-)myslím že jednou budeme všichni dost překvapený......

Ti tvůj názor neberu ale......Něco si o vzniku této gdaňské repliky zjisti než to použiješ jako argument ;-)Jak to vzniklo a z čeho...ta replika

Moc děkuji za všechny názory a zajímavou diskuzi.

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