13. 8. 1945 Calendary

13.8. 1945 Return of RAF pilots

Categories: Second World War , War in the air , Calendar

54 Spitfires of the Czechoslovak Fighter Wing landed at Ruzyně Airport in August 1945. They returned from their service in Great Britain. They were welcomed by thousands of people, not only from the capital.

Due to bad weather, the arrival of the Spitfires was postponed and they did not arrive in Prague until 13 August 1945. Along with it, a Dakota with Air Vice Marshal K. Janoušek. According to Nicholson's report, "the planes circled over Prague several times and landed at Ruzyně at 2 p.m.". The Czechoslovak airmen received a "warm welcome".

"Today 54 Spitfires of the Czechoslovak Fighter Wing under the command of Major Jaroslav Hlaďa landed at Ruzyně. They were welcomed by thousands of enthusiastic inhabitants of the capital and its surroundings," Jiří Plachý recalls in his book about Emil Bocek.

Five days later, Boček himself was awarded the Czechoslovak War Cross1939, his third war decoration. Back to Ruzyně. There Janoušek and the pilots were welcomed by the Minister of National Defence Ludvík Svoboda and the Chief of the GeneralGeneral Bohumil Boček, who also read a short letter from Prime Minister Zdeněk Fierlinger.

"Of course, Ambassador Nichols was also present. A day later, the liberators of the 311th Bombardment Squadron also arrived in Prague, and Mr. and Mrs. Nichols hosted a festive lunch at the Embassy. On 12 August, a ceremonial parade was held at Ruzyně Airport, at which General Svoboda spoke," Jan Kuklík and Jan Němeček describe the events in their book Liberated Czechoslovakia through the Eyes of British Diplomacy.

Nichols then highlighted in particular the fact that Svoboda's speech mentioned "the gratitude of the people of Czechoslovakia" for the training, armament and support of Czechoslovak airmen in Great Britain and the common fighting tradition established in the Battle of Britain. The significance of this moment was evidenced by the fact that on 20 August 1945 he produced an extensive report on the whole affair.

"In it he pointed out that the arrival of the airmen had been extensively covered by the press and the whole event had undoubtedly contributed to the increased interest in Great Britain. On 20 August, Nichols then negotiated with Clementis a British inspection of the troops, the terms of subsequent British support for these troopsand the temporary location of a British air station with British personnel at Ruzyně airport. The visit of the highest officials of the British Air Force, led by Air Marshal William Sholto Douglas, which took place from 20 to 23 August 1945, was then, according to Nichols, a great success.


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Bolševické divadýlko pro západní delegaci. Co následovalo byl naprostý hnus. „Vděčnost lidu Československa“ pocítili váleční hrdinové, jejich rodiny a známý velmi brzo na vlastní kůži. Kdyby za nic jiného, za nechutné bezpráví napáchané na pilotech měli odpovědní bolševici skončit u zdi.

Nechci být šťoura, ale ta fotka s příletem našich stíhacích letců z Anglie v roce 1945 souvisí pouze nepřímo. Tenhle stříbrný Spitfire s červeným bleskem používal až po přemístění do Budějovic v rámci 2. letecké divize, respektive v rámci jejího stíhacího výcvikového střediska, škpt. let. Karel Pošta a létal s ním na leteckých dnech. Tato fotka je z leteckého dne v Plzni z roku 1947.

Argill, kde to mohu podepsat? :-) 100% souhlas. 8-)

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