2,500-year-old artifacts in excellent condition unearthed by animal in Swedish forest

Categories: Nálezy nejenom s detektorem ve Skandinávii

Tomas Karlsson, while marking the forest for orienteering, discovered well-preserved metal artefacts sticking out of the ground after being raked by animals. He reported the discovery to the Anglisås board, which sent a specialist to the site. Subsequent investigations brought up to 50 more artefacts. This is one of Sweden's three most important Bronze Age finds.

Karlsson brought archaeologist Mats Hellgren to the site, who was surprised by the exceptional state of preservation. Hellgren subsequently excavated 50 different artefacts and their parts. Most came from a rock-lined pit excavated under a large boulder.

Experts say that although they had not had any similar finds in this particular area until now, they did not know of any other connection to human activity in ancient times, they've recovered several high-quality objects that are still in excellent condition millennia later: "All of the artifacts were essentially intact. It's likely that they would have remained there unless some animal decided to build a den," says Madelene Skogberg, conservator at the Committee for Cultural Affairs of Västra Götaland.

The archaeologists used state-of-the-art technology and techniques, including, for example, laser scanning to help distinguish and examine the clay and dirt around each piece. Metal detectors also played a key role in the discovery of most of the artefacts. "From a research point of view, this has several interesting dimensions. This find raises completely new questions," says Johan Ling, professor of archaeology at the University of Gothenburg, who was involved in the excavation.

The objects in the assemblage date from the Nordic Late Bronze Age between 700 and 500 BC. According to Professor Ling, these are the first three best Swedish finds of the period ever: "These are very exclusive objects. They were in very good soil conditions. It is very rare to see quality of this kind."

The authors of the study believe that the objects were worn by women belonging to the elite, which defined their social status: "They literally wore such ornaments and jewellery from head to toe! We found necklaces, large bracelets, spiral brooches (fibulae) pins and clasps that were used on textiles. Most special of all are the large, essentially intact anklets," Ling said.

In addition to ornaments, everyday objects were also discovered, including an axe, the remains of bronze moulds and a spike that could have been a horse spur. It is the first of its kind found in Sweden. Such artefacts are more prevalent in the northern regions of Germany and Poland: 'This shows that there was some contact with these groups,' Ling explained.

Archaeologists believe it was a deliberate depot, a hiding place: 'It could have been in connection with a burial, for their use in the afterlife. But it was more likely a way to signal social status - they could simply afford to sacrifice some of their wealth," says Ling, who sayshim it is important for the team to conduct a more specific study of the region to see if there are any other treasures and traces of human activity from the Bronze Age in the area.

Now it will be the turn of conservation and later presentation. Ae sure where the objects will end up, the experts don't yet have. The Swedish National Heritage Board has not yet decided, but they will probably end up in one of the local museums in the wider area of the find.

Roman Nemec
Sources: archaeology.org, studyfinds.org, bbc.com, rnz.co.nz

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Úžasné. Neví někdo co je tel kruh z "potrubí"? Nevím jak to jinak nazvat... o:-)

Cemente, za palec ;-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwNIe_36sCs
Jinak, už jsem se obával že tato zviřatka jsou český endemit :-D

Cement ty máš básnické střevo 👍 a pak že divočáci jen škodí prd byl to nasazený kontraš od archeologa 😄😂 no čumím na tenhle nález jak čáp do trubky v které je vespod žabák gratulace prasatku k nálezu a snad ho čeká dlouhý život ve zdejších lesích

Krásný nález, gratulace divé zvěři :-D

Nádhera! Jinak z průměru takových nálezů vyplývá ze nejlepší detektor je divé zvíře
:-D Nač kupovat drahé detektory a trávit stovky hodin hledáním ne? :-D Stačí si vychovat nějakou tu zvěř ta je zdá se neomylná :-) třeba takovej kňour model 800 bude dobrej. Nebo srnka Deus my mohla dobře hledat. :-D

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