6. 2. 2014 Calendary

6.2.2014 Treasure found while walking the dog

Categories: Minting - Numismatics , Treasures , Calendar , Nálezy nejenom s detektorem kovů v USA, severní a jižní Americe

Many of the Gold Rush-era coins were discovered in early 2014 by a couple in California while walking their dog. The treasure was hidden in rusted cans. Experts estimated its value at more than ten million dollars.

They found exactly 1,427 gold coins that were in excellent condition. Experts determined they dated back to the mid-19th century. Someone had hidden them in eight cans that had rusted and crumbled. "In the past, we've found shipwrecks in which thousands of gold coins have been found in very good condition, but treasure buried in the way it was in California? That's unheard of," said David McCarthy of the monetary firm Kagin's.

He himself has never seen anything like it in the US. "You never know what's out there in that condition," McCarthy added. Kagin's declined to reveal the identity of the couple who found the coins. The two wished to remain anonymous, lest people hungry for the treasure they found descend on them and search their property where they discovered the cans.

We also wrote about the treasure found in California here.

The couple was walking their dog when they came across the rusty can sticking out of the ground. After finding coins inside, they kept looking and discovered more cans. This time they managed without a metal detector. It's still unclear who hid the gold coin cans. They were minted between 1847 and 1894. The cans also date back to the 19th century.

McCarthy revealed that the individual cans were scattered in various depths, suggesting that the owner probably did not bury them all at once. "I took one of the tins and emptied it of twenty 1890 gold coins. They were covered in dirt," McCarthy recalled of the moment he first saw the coins.

His company took charge of the treasure and sorted the coins. They officially named the base as the Saddle Ridge Hoard. One of the 1877 double eagle coins is valuable in its own right. Experts say it's worth about a million dollars. The coins were sold on Amazon.

Sources: www.reuters.com, www.bbc.com

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Nádhera. To je štěstí takovýto nález. :-O :-)

Hmmm, tak už i v Americe musí najít depot zvíře... ozaj čudná doba... :-)

V Americe najdou poklad se psem... Mince se střelí na Amazonu a nálezce je bohatý muž,
U nás najde namor poklad se psem, mince daruje státu, dostane hovno, a ještě mu vyhrožují policií....tak to je no

J.Deer + OBi - já se z vás po.eru :-D :-D :-D

Namor... V Americe maj se blaze, tam se pr*á na podlaze. :-D

V Americe se vůbec dějou věci.
Předevčírem ukazovali v TV jednoho starého, zastydlého hipíka a jeho vytuněnou káru. Vůbec nebylo poznat, že je to auto.Vypadalo to, jak prehistorická příšera. Při představě, že tohle přijede na českou STK jsem se hodně bavil ;-)

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