He discovered a mysterious treasure shrouded in centuries-old legends. With a willow wand

Categories: Metal Detectors - Reviews and Tests

On April 1, 2023, an event happened in the village of Říčkovice near Zlín that shook the world of archaeology and struck the hearts of all lovers of mystery. A local farmer and spring finder discovered a hidden treasure with the help of a willow wand, the origin of which remains shrouded in mystery.

Mr. Novak has been practicing his skills with the willow wand for years, but he never thought that one day he would stumble upon such a rare and mystical find. The wand directed him to a small wood, where in a slope under an old oak tree, at a shallow depth, he discovered a phyllite slab covering the entrance to a stone-lined chamber. Inside he saw several ceramic vessels filled with gold coins, jewels and other artifacts.

On closer examination, archaeologists discovered that some of the objects discovered dated from different time periods, from the Bronze Age to the High Middle Ages. This unique set of artefacts thus creates a mystery that remains unexplained. While archaeologists and historians search hard for the origin and meaning of the treasure found, the people of the village and the surrounding area speculate that the treasure may have belonged to a former royal alchemist who once lived here centuries ago. Others believe it is a hidden collection of treasures that have been collected by various owners over the centuries.

Among the artefacts found is a strange coin depicting a mysterious figure, which according to local lore is reminiscent of an ancient treasure guardian. The discovery of this coin reinforced the belief in the collection's connection to local legends. Although we do not yet have a definitive answer to the treasure's origin and meaning, public and media interest is growing. The discovery has also attracted many tourists to the village, who want to see the site and hear Mr Novak's story.

The locals have even started encouraging their children to start searching with willow wands as well. Some parents have even started their own "primitive treasure hunters club" which organises weekend expeditions with willow wands into the surrounding forests and meadows. In addition to the economic benefit to the village, which nearly doubled its population in a matter of weeks, this unusual find has become an opportunity for locals to rediscover their own history, traditions and myths.

The discovery of the treasure brought not only mystery but also a revival of local culture and community. And while archaeologists and historians may one day unravel the mystery of the treasure, the story of Mr. Novak and his magic wand will inspire generations of adventurers and dreamers as they pursue the treasures hidden in the world around them.

Appendix: Due to the circumstances, when literally all willow wicker in the entire Zlín region disappeared, we have stocked special rods - models 2023: Children's "Short Whip" aka "Potter's Wand" with precise targeting and easy adjustment. For advanced anglers, there is the "Long Whip" with a huge reach but somewhat more complicated control. And for the accelerated seekers (of the "jet-mouse" somatotype) we have a forked rod with wide coverage and fast separation called the "Tongue of Tchina".

Order at: prutem-napoklady@email.cz

Roman Nemec


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1. Dubna... To je snad apríl... 🤔😁

Vzhledem ke zdroji, a faktu že obec s názvem Říčkovice neexistuje, pouze Říkovice, pěknému "technickému" závěru tak je to opožděný Apríl? :-D
Jinak počtení pěkné.


Objednávám deset proutků 8-) :-D

Jelikož to našel dřevěným detektorem, nálezné nebude :-D

Dobrá práce je zapotřebí pokračovat a hledat až do bezvědomí 👍👍👍

Cémo kam ty na to chodíš...😂😂😂🙈


Někde jsem slyšel, že když chodíš s vrbovým proutkem a vezmeš si tu Viagru,
tak se citlivost proutku znásobí!

Tož, ale nemám to odzkúšané..

To muselo dát práce sepsat….
A přitom taková blbost… 🤪

Nemám nic proti srandě ale v tvém případě trochu trapné a infantilní.

Cémo… nedělej ze sebe toho největšího 😉🤪😂
Každý má právo na názor a to že někdo druhý ho neumí přijmout, je jen známka jeho nevelké inteligence.
Pak pokud má právo na nadsázku a vtip pisatel, pak ho má i každý jiný 😘

To si tak člověk leží doma se zánětem průdušek a když sem vleze, nestačí se různým teoriím divit :-D
Cement: Nooo, jenže málokdo to docení :-D Kámoš třeba jo, ale už vyměkl jak máslo na slunci a na fakultě ho (oproti slibu) bohužel nenosí. Příště mu místo pinďoura dám hovno :-D

No někdy je to taky problém... Ale na to je dobrej švestkovej kompot, pak z tebe vyjede i to co jsi ještě nesežral... 😁😁😁

:-) jj, super když někoho klepne múza po kébuli...

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